Prince and Princess of Wales lend a hand at local food bank

The Royal couple rolled up their sleeves at a local food bank Wednesday morning, expressing concern over public struggle in cost of living.

Danny LawsonGTRES

William and Kate, the The Prince and Princess of Wales, compassionately rolled up their sleeves and got to work early Thursday morning, serving the community at the Windsor Foodshare food bank, and learning about how the organization helps families in need.

The Royal couple met with the organization’s staff to learn more about the food bank, which accepts referrals from institutions such as schools, doctors, medical offices, churches, and community centers, as millions of people in the United Kingdom struggle with the current cost of living crisis.

The charity, part of Windsor Christian Action, gets no government funding and instead relies on public donations to cover the costs of about $26 000 USD each year to provide fresh produce and other items like toiletries.

Kate Middleton, sporting a pink Hobbs London Tilda Coat, worked alongside husband Prince William to sort donations and prepare packages of warm food.

According to the Daily Mail, the Prince and Princess expressed concern for people struggling with the increase in basic living costs, and wanted to learn more about the organization. During the visit, Middleton commented to her husband, “With the cost of living crisis, there are a lot of desperate people out there.’

Later, Middleton asked a staff member at Windsor Foodshare, Mrs. Kember, if when going through financial difficulties, “people want to reach out for help and support?”

“We are now helping around 200 people a week and for many of them this is the only fresh food they will get all week,” Mrs. Kember said.

“It feels like it is a little more accepted because people are feeling now that it not so much their fault that they are struggling because of the emergency crisis.”

“We have working families that are still struggling. Mind-blowing that they are working and still struggling.”

The Princess’ concern with public welfare

The Princess was not only concerned about the public’s financial well-being, but their emotional wellness too.

The mother of three asked the staff, “How much is there a need for connection and being with other people given, on the back of the pandemic, the sense of isolation and loneliness? Is there a need for people to come together particularly within the church and the community? Is there more of a need for that connection?”

Another one of Middleton’s concerns was that of the family unit, and whether baby products were provided to low-income parents. The Daily Mail reported that the Princess inquired about there being a “slight shift” in people’s willingness to get baby products and other necessary items from the food bank.

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