Royal Family

Prince Harry torn over decision to attend King Charles’ Coronation

The Duke of Sussex is still unsure about decision to attend father King Charle’s Coronation


Prince Harry is still unsure whether he will or will not attend his father’s Coronation later this year. Friends of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle say that the couple is ‘in limbo’ over the decision.

According to the source for The Telegraph, the couple is weighing the ‘million different variables’ impacting their decision on attendance. Harry would like to be by his father’s side on ‘pretty much the most important day’ and hopes to salvage his strained relationship with the Royal family account to the source.

The insider claims it’s a ‘complicated’ decision because the couple may be accused of ‘snubbing’ the family by not attending but also risk being ‘booed or labeled hypocrites’ by attending.

Formal Invitation needed

The couple’s friends say that they will not make a final decision regarding attendance until a formal invitation arrives at their home in California. After that, they will decide if they will attend, or if just Harry would attend without Meghan.

If either of them attends the ceremony it’s anticipated that their visit would be brief.

‘They do not have any insight,’ a friend said of their impending decision. ‘They’ll cross that bridge when they come to it.’

Neither Harry nor Meghan’s representatives have made official statements regarding the decision yet.

However, a source close to the couple revealed last week that if Harry attends the Coronation, he will want a meeting with the King and brother Prince William before he returns home.

It’s expected that the couple will be invited to Prince Harry’s father’s Coronation despite cutting ties with the royal family and Harry’s explosive memoir ‘Spare’ released just last month.

According to Royal sources, some members of the royal family are ‘spitting feathers’ over claims in Harry’s book and his promotional campaign.

For the most part, the royal family has been silent in regard to Prince Harry’s memoir and has yet to officially address the book.

Last public visit

The last time Prince Harry publicly visited the royal family was for Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral in September 2022. Prince Harry has not been in royal uniform for the event, as he is no longer classified as a part of the royal family.

According to a source for The Mirror, “Harry has been very clear and his position hasn’t wavered – he isn’t going to come if he feels the atmosphere will be as toxic as it was during the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and funeral.”

The source continued, “He’s said he wants to reconcile with his family and it’s their call, but so far nothing has changed.”

It is understood that those who were invited to the Coronation will have to RSVP ahead of time.

If the couple does attend, Harry and Meghan would not be allowed to appear on the Buckingham Palace balcony with other royals, as they would have no special role.

Harry may make the trip without Meghan as the couple’s son, Archie’s fourth birthday also falls on the same day as the crowning. However, there is still no official confirmation from either party of their attendance.

If they do choose to attend the event, they will be attending as normal congregation members.

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