‘SNL’ alum Victoria Jackson causes stir by protesting gay pride parade

The actress and comedian took to the podium at a city council meeting in Franklin, Tennessee and weighed in on the discussion.

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Former ‘Saturday Night Live’ regular cast member Victoria Jackson attended a local town hall meeting in Franklin, Tennessee on Tuesday, which had been called to deliberate whether the town should have a gay pride parade.

Jackson, who had a six-year stint on ‘Saturday Night Live’ from 1986 to 1992, left the show to work on a sitcom with George Clooney, which never took off. She then joined Bill Mahr on his show ‘Politically Incorrect With Bill Maher’ several times, and had a career touring as a comedian.

She has since said that her political and religious beliefs have made it difficult for her to get gigs in showbiz.

Jackson speaks out at town meeting

After waiting in the long line for her turn to speak at the podium, Jackson cited the Bible to make her case. She told the people of the town that God hates homosexuality, sexual immorality and pride, and that Franklin should therefore not celebrate the event.

Jackson also referenced the Old Testament story about Sodom and Gomorrah to warn the town.

God hates sodomy,” Jackson said at the podium, “He hates homosexuality, He said it is an abomination.”

“God hates sexual immorality,” the 63-year-old continued, indicating that “adultery and fornication” also fit into that category, not just homosexuality.

“And God hates pride,” Jackson said, looking squarely up at the audience, before her voice cracks. “Like, one of the things He hates most is pride.”

“And Sodom and Gomorrah proves that God hates sodomy, and sexual immorality and pride. And it’s still there, and archaeologists have uncovered it.”

Jackson has a message for younger generation

Jackson then referenced another Bible verse.

“Proverbs 11:12: When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom,” Jackson read from the text. “The Lord detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished.”

“Proverbs 16:18: Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall,” she added.

As her time at the podium ran out, Jackson had one last thing to say to the court house.

“I just want to encourage this generation not to be brainwashed,” Jackson said, “and to watch Becket Cook on YouTube.”

Becket Cook is a podcaster who has documented his life from being a gay atheist to becoming a Christian.

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