
Why won’t Eva Mendes be attending the ‘Barbie’ red carpet with Ryan Gosling?

The couple tends to keep their 12-year-long relationship out of the public eye.

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Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling may be Hollywood’s most low-key couple. The pair have been together for over 12 years but keep their romance incredibly private.

The pair have been linked since they met while filming ‘The Place Beyond the Pines’ in 2011 when they played a couple with an infant son. The two have been going strong ever since, but keep their relationship out of the public eye.

Will Mendes accompany Gosling for any of his upcoming ‘Barbie’ events?

Recently, a fan got their hopes up, asking Mendes if she would be seen with her husband on red carpets this year for her husband’s major role in Greta Gerwig’s upcoming movie ‘Barbie.’ However, Mendes replied with a lengthy explanation as to why fans shouldn’t expect to see her on any red carpets this year.

“I really hope Barbie will get through the Awards Season just to see you w Ryan,” a fan wrote in the comments on one of her recent Instagram posts. The post was a throwback video of the movie the couple starred in together.

“You’re the best!” she responded. “What a cool comment, thank you. But we don’t do those things together. Like these photos I’ve been posting, I’m only comfortable posting because it’s already out there.”

“Oh wait - for those who may catch me in a “die” - we only were on the red carpet once when promoting this film,” Mendes went on to add with a black heart emoji.

Another movie together

Mendes was then asked why she’s not comfortable doing red carpet appearances with her husband to which she replied, “By ‘not comfortable,’ I mean exposing our very private life that we value. I’m still dying to do another movie with him though....”

Earlier in 2020, Mendes explained why she doesn’t post photos of her husband or the two daughters they share.

“Hi! I have always had a clear boundary when it comes to my man and my kids. I’ll talk about them, of course, with limits, but I won’t post pictures of our daily life,” the actress explained,

“And since my children are still so little and don’t understand what posting their image really means, I don’t have their consent. And I won’t post their image until they’re old enough to give me consent. As far as Ryan and I, it just works for us this way, to stay private,” Mendes said in an Instagram comment.

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