2022 Midterm Elections | Races to follow: Senate race between Herschel Walker and Raphael Warnock could go to run off

Stacey Abrams has conceded to Brian Kemp, but the race between Raphel Warnock and Herschel Walker for the Senate seat remains too close to call.


Polls in Georgia closed at 7 p.m. ET.

While the race for one of the state’s senate seats remains too close to call, Georgia has re-elected Brian Kemp as governor. Abrams has conceded to Kemp, ending her gubernatorial bid.

It is the fate of the Senate race between Herschel Walker and incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock that is capturing attention and looks set to decide the balance of power in the Upper House. The Democrats secured a slim majority in the Senate last time around by winning the two Georgia Senate runoff elections in January 2021.

On Wednesday it was confirmed that , with neither candidate looking likely to win a majority, the state of Georgia is heading for another runoff race on 6 December 2022.

The Peach State will send nine Republicans and five Democrats to the House of Representatives, the same breakdown elected in 2020.

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A rematch for the history books. Like in 2018, voters had to decide between Brian Kemp (R) and Stacey Abrams (D), and it looks like they made the same decision. Kemp’s victory was called in the early hours of Wednesday morning and he will return to the governor’s mansion for another term.

CandidateVote %Vote count
Stacey Abrams (D)45.8%1,809,522
Brian Kemp (R) - WINNER53.4%2,109,105


For Senate, Democrat Raphael Warnock, elected in a 2020 Special Election, faced off against Herschel Walker, the ex-NFL player. After weeks of polls showing Warnock with a comfortable lead, the race has narrowed, with the two candidates in a dead heat.

It has now been confirmed that the two men will face off in a Senate runoff race on 6 December, just as Warnock did to win the seat in 2020. The runoff election is a single-issue ballot in which residents will be given two options for the next senator, with other candidates removing from the running.

CandidateVote %Vote count
Raphael Warnock (D)49.4%1,941,499
Herschel Walker (R)48.5%1,906,246


Georgia is home to fourteen congressional districts, each of which will elect its representatives for the 118th Congress. One of the races to watch is that of Georgia’s 14th District to see whether or not incumbent Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene wins reelection against Democrat Marcus Flowers. Rep. Greene has been stripped of all her committee responsibilities after spreading conspiracy theories about the 2020 election and other behavior her party believed disqualified her from those responsibilities.

Despite this, she has been reelected.

In the end, Georgia will send nine Republicans and five Democrats to the House of Representatives in January.

Total SeatsDemocratsRepublicans

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