Can you register to vote if you are a US citizen living abroad?

The November 5, 2024, US election is fast approaching and if you want to cast a ballot you need to be registered. How can you register if you live overseas?

The United States is a nation whose population has built up over the centuries with millions from abroad seeking out a new life. But there are also millions of Americans who have moved overseas as well, either in service to their country, to work in a foreign nation or to enjoy their golden years some place where their retirement savings will stretch a little further, among other reasons.

Either through naturalization or birth, of the estimated 4.4 million US citizens living abroad, there were 2.8 million who were eligible to vote in the 2022 general elections. However, according to the Foreign Voting Assistance Program the percentage that did in 2018 was less than 7% in the 2016 general election and even less in the following Midterms.

But there were far more that wanted to vote, 72% according to the last Overseas Citizen Population Analysis from the 2022 elections who tried to but they encountered obstacles and were unable to complete the process. One of those listed in the survey was “difficulty registering to vote” with over ten percent of respondents experiencing this issue.

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Can you register to vote if you are a US citizen living abroad?

Fortunately, for US citizens and servicemembers stationed abroad along with their spouses or family members they can use the Federal Voting Assistance Program to register to vote and request an absentee ballot.

The process is relatively simple. You’ll first need to register to vote absentee and request you ballot using the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA). You’ll fill the form out online, print it and then sign it.

You will then have to send it to your local elections office. Depending on your state you may be able to mail, email or fax your completed FPCA form for submission.

The FVAP webpage will walk you through all the steps. Keep in mind that it may take time for your form to reach its destination, especially if you use the postal service. So, it is recommended that you register and request your ballot as soon as possible. Keep in mind that deadlines to do so will fall as soon as the first week of October in several states.

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