Donald Trump’s announcement live: Confirmed 2024 presidential run, latest news and updates

Trump announcement live
Headlines: Trump announces 2024 presidential run
- Meeting at the Mar-a-Lago resort results in the first presidential bid from anyone for 2024
- Trump slams Joe Biden's presidency. Trump lost to Biden in the 2020 elections
- Trump announcement started just after 9 p.m. ET
- Is Trump's influence in the GOP waning?
- His biggest challenge in the Republican party will likely come from Gov. Ron DeSantis
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A relatively "mellower" Trump
Opinions on how tonight's Trump show went will continue for some time and, as seems to be the norm now, it's most likely that your view will be guided by your politics.
One sense coming from a number of commentators though -- ignoring the rhetoric and, let's face it, brazen lies -- is that it felt like a toned down version of his rallies, with Eric Michael Garcia noting that he appeared rather tired.
Trump loves Trump
Who needs mirrors when you can afford to get paintings of yourself commissioned and hung around your home? Here's an example of one that Donald Trump has hanging at Mar-a-Lago, almost Hollywood superhero-like.
Guests must be impressed.
Trump losing soldiers starting day one
The former President announced yesterday night that he will once again run for the office of the president. An announcement that comes without surprise, as he has played with this idea from the day he left office. But just on day one, one of his biggest supporter and “soldiers” has dropped out from the race, Ivanka will not be with her dad on this one.
This is a blow for the former President as she was one if heist biggest allies on his last term. But it seems this time she does not want any part of with, has very publicly said so.
The moment Donald Trump announced he is running for president
Joe Biden was chosen by the US electorate to hold office as the 46th President of the United States despite incumbent Donald Trump initially claiming that he had carried the 2020 election.
In the end Trump was handsomely defeated by Joe Biden by a wide-margin on both the popular vote as well as the electoral college. Biden took 306 electoral votes while Trump received 232. In terms of raw voting numbers, Joe Biden received 81,283,501 (51.3%) and Trump 74,223,975 (46.8%).
President Joe Biden reacts to Trumps announcement
POTUS is currently in Indonesia attending the G20 summit.
The fastest economic recovery?
Trump claimed he presided over the “fastest economic recovery ever recorded".
The US did bounce back quickly from the extreme situation when the covid-19 pandemic struck but this was fairly inevitable as businesses reopened.
Trump did preside over the first round of covid-19 stimulus checks however, a vital lifeline for many Americans struggling with millions unable to go to work.
Trump declares 2024 candidacy to the crowd
"In order to make America great and glorious again, tonight I am announcing my candidacy for the president of the United States."
"It's really easy to speak to a crowd when there is such love in the room".
"So from now until election day in 2024... I will fight like no one has ever fought before. We will defeat the radical left Democrats who are trying to destroy our country from within," he says.
Fact checking Trump's speech
It should go without saying but there will be a fact analysis of some of the claims made by Donald Trump in this speech.
Excerpts from the Trump speech
Trump began by speaking about his record in office.
"In four short years, everyone was doing great," he says. "Everyone was thriving like never before."
He says that the US economy was making a swift recovery when he left office, after falling during the coronavirus pandemic.
"Now we are a nation in decline," he says.
Donald Trump announcement 2024 live
BREAKING: Trump has filed to run for president
It's official; Donald Trump is running for president, again.
In filings released on the eve of his announcement it seems like the declaration has been signed.
Trump is due to speak imminently.
Republicans are worried about Trump jumping into the presidential race tonight is that voters have to return to the polls in Georgia to decide the runoff race for the state’s Senate seat. Neither Democratic incumbent Raphael Warnock nor his challenger Republican candidate Herschel Walker managed to get over 50 percent of the vote on 8 November triggering a second round of voting.
The tight race between the Trump-backed one-time football star and Warnock, who won his seat in a runoff two years ago against then place holder Senator Kelly Loeffler to finish out the term of Senator Johnny Isakson, will be decided 6 December. While the former president can rally crowds, his polarization also brings out in force those opposed to him which could lead to a repeat of 2020.
What has Donald Trump said about Ron DeSantis?
I don’t know if he is running. I think if he runs, he could hurt himself very badly. I really believe he could hurt himself badly. I don’t think it would be good for the party. I would tell you things about him that won’t be very flattering – I know more about him than anybody – other than, perhaps, his wife.
He was politically dead, losing in a landslide to a very good agriculture commissioner, Adam Putnam, who was loaded up with cash and great poll numbers. Ron had low approval, bad polls, and no money, but he said that if I would endorse him, he could win.
When I endorsed him, it was as though, to use a bad term, a nuclear weapon went off. I also fixed his campaign, which had completely fallen apart.
While Trump-backed candidates did not make as good headway as some thought they might, the big Republican success story came down in Florida. Governor Ron DeSantis won a landslide reelection, albeit against a very weak Democrat candidate once of GOP persuasion. In the rest of the state Republicans took 20 of 28 House seats as well as comfortable retianing Marco Rubio’s Senate seat. While Trump’s support actively hurt the Republicans, Florida was unaffected and DeSantis’ standing in the party has been greatly enhanced.
In anticipation of the threat posed by DeSantis, Trump used the last weeks of the midterm race to aim a number of barbs at his apparent competitor...
Many have seen these midterms as a referendum on the progress made by President Joe Biden. But for many Republican candidates this was also a referendum for their self-appointed party head Donald Trump. He made a point of endorsing some 350 candidates across the country, giving each his stamp of approval so that they may win their vote like a modern feudal pyramid.
The majority of the results have been released and the picture is very different. While the Republicans are set to win the House their margin of victory is much smaller than anticipated while the Senate control will not be decided until December. Even then, it is likely to remain 50 seats apiece.
Now Republicans themselves are starting to question the role Trump played in the midterms, especially in comparison to the work being done by one of his big rivals for the Republican presidential primary for 2024.
While announcing a run for 2024 nearly two years out may seem a little premature, Trump is initially thought to have wanted to announce even earlier.
Axios reports that Trump told his aides on 7 November that he wanted to announce that very night, on the eve of the midterms. Trump was persuaded to delay the announcement, so not to distract from the midterms, but he made clear that it was coming.
Most cable news networks will be taking the announcement live, which is scheduled for 9 pm ET.
For those without access to cable or network TV, CSPAN will also be live streaming the event.
Welcome to AS USA
It's a decidedly balmy autumn evening in Mar-a-Lago. Fresh off his midterm election bruising, former president Donald Trump is expected to announce his candidacy for the 2024 presidential elections.
Stick with us and we'll lead you through the proceedings.