How can the total solar eclipse affect cell networks?

A few states will bear witness to the total solar eclipse taking place on April 8. Those who live in these areas may experience cell service disruptions.


A rare total solar eclipse will be passing through parts of the United States, and all those who want to view the heavenly phenomenon will head over to the cities which will be fortunate enough to be in its path.

Total solar eclipses are highly anticipated events for astronomers, skywatchers, and the general public. Aside from the awe-inspiring darkness they cast on Earth, they also offer a chance to study the sun’s outer atmosphere and observe the effects of darkness on the environment.

READ ALSO: NY inmates sue prison system to view solar eclipse

Thousands expected to flock to cities in eclipse’s path

Because of their rarity and the striking visual display they provide, these eclipses attract thousands of spectators to travel great distances to locations within the path of totality in order to witness the phenomenon firsthand.

The crowds that the eclipse will attract will inevitably cause disruptions in daily life. For this reason, some prisons will go on lockdown, the Federal Aviation Authority warns of flight delays, portable potty companies are seeing great demand, and cellular networks are expected to be overloaded.

READ ALSO: Total solar eclipse could cause flight delays

How to prepare for cellular network congestion during the total solar eclipse

For those who are traveling to see the eclipse, be prepared to experience hiccups in mobile service. Many people will be live-streaming their experience or sending videos of the once-in-a-lifetime event, so preparing for bogged-down networks will be wise. This includes having driving instructions to your destination that are not dependent on the internet, such as hard copies or downloaded maps.

Make prior arrangements with your group regarding where to meet before and after the eclipse, as well as a meeting point in case a member of your party is lost. The cell network congestion could make it difficult to make calls for coordination.

Also, keep some cash on you. If you need to pay for something during the event, some payment terminals may be unable to connect to the mobile network.

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