How many Charles have been king in UK?

The new name of King Charles III of England will be the first change of monarch in England this century.

Miguel Corrales

With the death of Queen Elizabeth II, the next monarch of the royal house of England will be King Charles. The new king of England will come to the throne at the age of 73 and will become the oldest English monarch to begin his reign.

The King Charles III

The future king of England will have to choose his name as monarch. The full name of the future king is Charles Philip Arthur George, for that reason he will have to choose which will be his name as official monarch.

In case he chooses his usual name, Charles, he will become King Charles III of England since Charles I (1625-1649) and King Charles II (1660-1685) reigned previously

What name will the next king choose?

Nothing is known yet about the name of the King of England but the future successor should choose his name soon in order to be able to make the coronation in Westminster Abbey in front of the entire royal household.

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