How to pick the right watermelon at the store, sweet and ripe

Watermelons are a popular choice for the summer due to their high water content. Here are some tricks to be able to determine if they are ripe and sweet.


Summer is here and rising temperatures make us want to cool off with a refreshing fruit. Watermelons are a popular choice to beat the heat, as it is made up almost entirely of water.

Aside from being tasty and refreshing, this fruit is a valued source of natural antioxidants, particularly lycopene, ascorbic acid and citruline. These ingredients help protect the body against chronic health problems like cancer and cardiovascular disorders.

However, one problem presents itself when we go shopping for a watermelon. Despite our best efforts at choosing what seems to be the best one, sometimes we get home from the grocery store, crack the fruit open, only to find that it is not yet ripe and definitely not yet ready to eat.

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5 best tricks to pick the right watermelon

The challenge lies in choosing which watermelon in the pile is in the best state for consumption. To avoid arriving home and opening a watermelon that is tasteless or has not yet reached its ideal point of maturation, there are several tricks you can employ to make the right choice.

To enjoy this fruit in all its sweet splendor, it must be eaten at the perfect point of ripeness. Achieving this is more difficult due to its large outer shell, so you cannot simply pinch it to determine whether it is ready to be consumed. Here are the five best tricks to pick the right one.


How to choose the best watermelon

  • Appearance: Fruits are usually harvested before they are fully ripe, so you have to pay attention to their appearance to look for clues. In the case of watermelons, if they are shiny, it indicates they are not yet ripe. If they are dark and dull, that means they are ready to eat.
  • The shape: Ideally you take the roundest one with a uniform size. Watch out for any irregular bumps and soft spots.
  • The weight: Compare the watermelon to others of the same size. The heavier it is, the more likely it is to be sweet and juicy.
  • The sound: Tapping on the fruit also gives you information on its state. If the sound is hollow and deep, it is an ideal watermelon. If the sound is barely audible, the fruit has not yet matured completely.
  • The color: The fruit's green stripes should be a deep dark green color, while its pale stripes should be a creamy light yellow. Look for the field, or ground spot, which is where the watermelon was resting on the ground. This spot should be a creamy yellow. The darker the yellow, the longer it was on the vine gathering sweetness. If the spot is white or not even present, the watermelon is not yet ripe.

With these simple tricks, there will be no more surprises when you go home after a trip to the grocery store. You’ll be able to enjoy this summer delicacy after having chosen the best of the lot.

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