Is Constitution Day a federal public holiday in the US?

The United States honors the Constitution and Citizenship on 17 September, two of the foundations of the nation.


The founding fathers got together in Philadelphia in 1787 to write up a new constitution; the first version the 13 states agreed to wasn’t cutting it. “The second time lucky!” The document 39 delegates signed has held firm for 234 years with some modifications over time to create a more “more perfect Union.”

To honor the constitution, 17 September will be Constitution Day, a holiday that aims to celebrate the achievements, social and political, that the document has supported.

“When our democracy is tested, we draw strength from the Constitution to see us through. When we look ahead in our uniquely American way — restless, bold, and optimistic — our Constitution is the bedrock we build upon to make our Nation more equal, more just, and more prosperous for all our people,” said the White House when commemorating the holiday last year.

Unlike other landmark events in US history, that pivotal day didn’t become a national holiday until 2004. However, the day is not a federal public holiday, so all businesses and government offices are open for business.

I have often said that America is the only Nation founded on an idea. Though we have never fully lived up to it, we have never walked away from it. We have never stopped striving to fulfill the founding promise of our Nation — that all of us are created equal and deserve to be treated equally throughout our lives. My Administration is committed to bringing us closer to the fulfillment of that promise.

Joseph Biden, US President

What does a federal holiday meam for your work?

Most holidays in the US fall on Monday, this is thanks to the Uniform Monday Holiday Bill passed by Congress in 1968. The change allowed workers to have a number of long weekends throughout the year. When fixed holidays such as Christmas or the 4th of July fall on a Saturday or Sunday, they are moved to either Monday or Friday.

Government employees enjoy all federal public holidays, but private employers can choose to omit certain holidays, normally Columbus Day and Veterans Day. Banks as well open on many federal public holidays, but this depends on the financial institution, however, transactions will not be processed until the following workday.

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