January 6 third public hearing: attack on the US Capitol committee


January 6th Congressional hearings: 16 June

January 6th Congressional hearings: live stream

- First primetime hearing for the Select House Committee on January 6th was held on Thursday. What did the public learn? 

- Who is Capitol Police Officer Caroline Edwards & what did she say during her testimony. 

- The Select House Committee outline their goals for the public hearings. 

- Members of the Trump family, including Ivanka, were interviewed by the House Committee members. 

- Members have said that new information never before reveiledwill be presented.

- Who is Ginni Thomas and how is she related to the Jan. 6 attack of the US Capitol?

Key Questions

- How are these hearings different from the Trump impeachment trial? 

- Over a thousand witnesses have already testified behind closed doors. Who will testify at public hearings?

Watch below how the first hearings played out.

(WARNING: Video contains harsh language and violence)


Wife of Justice Clarence Thomas, Ginni, asked to testify for invovlement in Jan. 6

January 6 Committee Chair Bennie Thompson confirmed to reporters that Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, has been sent a letter asking for her to speak to the committee.

It has been previously reported that Ginni had been in touch with Mark Meadows, Trump's chief of staff, via text message between the election and January 6. 

However, the Washington Post has now reported that the committee has evidence of Ginni communicating with Trump lawyer John Eastman, credited as one of the architects of the plan to overturn Joe Biden's 2020 electoral win.

"I can't wait to clear up misconceptions. I look forward to talking to them," Ginni told the right-wing news site The Daily Caller. Thompson said the feeling is mutual.


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If Trump's inner circle had stopped him many families would not be hurting today

As more and more information is revealed by the January 6 panel investigating the attack on the US Capitol about the fact that Trump and his inner circle knew there was no election and that Pence could not legally overturn the results, it begs the question: why didn't anyone from Trump's inner circle try to stop him or make public what was happening to prevent the events of January 6 which have upended and caused harm to numerous families and resulted in the death of nine people, five of them police officers.


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Recap of January 6 committe hearings Day 3

Day three of the Select House Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the US Capitol focused on the pressure campaign mounted by former President Trump on his vice president, Mike Pence, into not certifying the legitimate 2020 election reults.


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I've decided I should be on the pardon list if that's still in the works.

John Eastman, according to testimony the former Trump legal adviser reached out to Rudy Giuliani to see if he could be considered for a presidential pardon before Trump left office.

Does Trump want to testify to January 6 House Select Committee?

The House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the US Capitol held its third meeting on Thursday. The nine members are laying out how former President Donald Trump was intimately involved in the fateful events that saw the seat of American democracy desecrated by a violent mob whipped up to a frenzy by Trump prior to the assualt.

The committee has laid out how the former President and those around him were informed that the election was free and fair and devoid of any fraud. Yet the insisted on going ahead with putting out false information to the public in an attempt to overturn the results.

Ahead of Thursday's session, Trump took to social media demanding that he get equal time. Does he want to testify under oath?


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Trump changed speech on January 6 to attack VP Pence

Our investigation found that early drafts of the January 6 Ellipse Rally speech prepared for the President included no mention of the Vice President. But the President revised it to include criticism of the Vice President and then further ad-libbed.

Rep. Pete Aguilar, Member of the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the US Capitol

Trump in heated exchange with his VP on January 6 2021, called Pence a 'wimp'

With time running out to stop the certification of the electoral win of Joe Biden and overturn the legitimate results of the 2020 election former Presdient Trump tried one last time on the morning of January 6 to convince the former Vice President Mike Pence to forsake his constitutional duty. It didn't go well.

Listen to how Trump's family and staff describe the conversation.


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Trump, his allies and supporters are a "clear and present danger"

Almost two years after that fateful day in January 2021, Donald Trump and his allies and supporters are a clear and present danger to American democracy, not because of what happened on January 6 but because they may attempt to overturn the 2024 presidential election.

Michael Luttig, retired federal judge and advisor to former VP Mike Pence

Former GOP Rep. Denver Riggleman, who previously served on the committee, has confirmed that the hearings will be “very concise” and will be used to communicate their findings with the public.

Some of which has never been revealed before.


We took a look back at the events leading up to and after rioters invaded the US Capitol, ending in the deaths of five police officers.

Full details


As both chambers of Congress were in session to confirm the 2020 presidential election results, then-President Trump made one last desperate attempt to sabotage the transition of power to now, President Biden. Donald Trump tried to pressure Vice-President Mike Pence into tossing out certificates of the electoral votes when Congress met to certify the election results that fateful Wednesday.

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Supporters of the President broke into the Houses of Congress as part of the 'Stop the Steal' rally that was the culmination of Trump's months-long attack on American democracy.

Full details


On Thursday 9 June, the American public got its first view of what the panel has uncovered. An audience of over 20 million tuned in to watch the first primetime hearing by House of Representatives lawmakers. Over the next couple weeks the nine members of the committee will show how former President Trump was intimately involved in a widespread plot to reverse the legitimate 2020 election win of President Joe Biden along with his collaborators.

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As police worked to clear a pro-Trump rioters that stormed Capitol Hill as Congress was certifying the results of the 2020 election, President-elect Joe Biden addressed the nation from Wilmington, Delaware.

"At this hour, our democracy is under unprecedented assault unlike anything we’ve seen in modern times," Biden said. 

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Hello and welcome to AS USA

Eighteen months have passed since the US Capitol was attacked by supporters of former President Trump attempting to stop the certification of President Joe Biden’s 2020 election win. After ten months of evidence gathering, members of the House select committee investigating the horrific events of that infamous day and what led up to it are ready to present their findings to the American public.

The third of six public hearings will be held on Thursday 16 June, starting at 1 pm ET. Committee members will use the prime-time proceedings to set the stage for the subsequent hearings that will take place over the next couple weeks.
