Johnny Depp v Amber Heard trial summary: 26 May

Johnny Depp v Amber Heard Trial: Live Updates
WATCH: Live courtroom footage from the final day of the Depp v Heard trial
Today was the final day of courtroom action in the defamation case between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, with both sides delivering their closing arguments at the Circuit Court in Fairfax Country, Virginia.
Yesterday concluded weeks of testimony from both parties and a whole host of witnesses. With today's closing arguments now finished, the jury has begun its deliberations.
CONTENT WARNING: The embedded live feed comes direct from inside the courtroom, where strong language and references to content including sex, violence and drug abuse are possible. Discretion is advised.
Courthouse incident unrelated to Depp v Heard
There was a commotion a short while ago when members of law enforcement could be seen making their way inside Fairfax County Courthouse, but Angenette Levy of Law & Crime has confirmed that the incident was not related to the Depp v Heard case.
Closing arguments complete
That ends the closing arguments.
Judge Azcarate, who started off the day by giving the jurors instructions ahead of the end of the trial, now issues them with some more.
Azcarate also tells jurors 3 and 14 that they are alternate jurors, meaning they will not deliberate unless called in to replace another member of the jury.
The jury is then sent off to begin its deliberations.
"Give Amber Heard her voice back"
Rottenborn: "We ask ladies and gentlemen, that you hold Mr Depp accountable for his actions. Stand up for victims of domestic abuse everywhere who suffer in silence. Stand up for the freedom of speech. The freedom to speak about your life that the First Amendment protects. Give Amber Heard her voice back. Give Amber Heard her life back.”
"If you believe there was abuse of Amber one time, your job is very easy"
Now it is Ben Rottenborn's turn to deliver Heard's rebuttal.
Rottenborn begins by saying: “It’s this simple. If you believe that there was abuse of Amber one time ever, in any of the various forms of abuse, not only physical, verbal, emotional, psychological, sexual - any of the ways of abuse, then your job is very easy. And you can not only deny Mr Depp’s claim, but you can find for Amber on her counterclaim.”
"This is not a 'me too' situation"
Vasquez: "This is not a ‘me too’ situation. There are no ‘me toos’. Ms Heard does not deserve to be known as a representative of survivors of abuse. And Mr Depp does not deserve to be known as the representative of perpetrators of abuse. That is what this case is about. It's not about money, it's about giving Mr Depp his life back. Six years ago, she took it away.”
Vasquez: "Ms Heard knows perfectly well that she wasn't abused."
"It is Ms Heard who repeatedly admitted to violence in her own words"
Vasquez: “Ironically, as much as Ms Heard is trying to use Mr Depp's words against him, it is Ms Heard who repeatedly admitted to violence in her own words. You've heard the tapes, you've heard her admit to violence. Ms Heard has tried to distract you with text messages just showing that Mr Depp uses bad language and has a dark sense of humour. But none of that is evidence of hitting your husband, is evidence of abuse.”
"What you have in the end, is Ms Heard’s word. Do you trust it?"
Vasquez: “What we have put to you the jury, is not that because Ms Heard didn't take enough pictures or tell people about abuse that it didn't happen. What we have put to you is that, given how brutal and constant the abuse Miss Heard claims, she would have had serious injuries. That's a fact. she would have had serious injuries that would have been observable in the pictures we looked at, and by the witnesses we heard from, and would have required medical attention. That's it. Ms Heard testifies to injuries that multiple people didn't see. What you have in the end, is Ms Heard’s word. Do you trust it?”
"A person's life cannot and should not be destroyed by baseless charge"
Vasquez: “It is a core value of American society that you are innocent until proven guilty. There is a presumption of innocence in this country. A person's life cannot and should not be destroyed by a baseless charge and no opportunity to defend yourself. That's why Mr Depp had to bring this claim. Ms Heard was never going to stop calling him an abuser. The only way to clear his name was to stand up in this court, where both sides are bound by the same rules of American law.”
"The First Amendment doesn't protect lies that hurt and defame people"
Vasquez: “I started this trial by giving you an opening statement, and I said to you that words matter. And this case is about Ms Heard’s words. The words she published in an op-ed about Mr Depp. Ms Heard and her attorneys have talked a lot about in this trial about the First Amendment. We've talked about the importance of free speech. And we agree. I'm a lawyer. Of course I agree with that. But the First Amendment doesn't protect lies that hurt and defame people."
"You saw her get caught in lie after lie"
Vasquez: “[Heard’s] story is a constantly moving target. It never stays the same. Mr Depp owns his mistake. He owns all of them. You saw him do it on the stand in a raw and powerful way. But in this trial, Ms Heard has been confronted with her life and the damage she has caused, and cannot take any responsibility for what she has done. And seen the story. Her story. It doesn't hold up. You watched her performance on the stand. You saw her get caught in lie after lie. The time has come for those lies to come to an end. The time has come for you, the jury, to decide the truth.”
Rebuttal arguments underway
The court is back in session. It's time for the rebuttal arguments, starting with Camille Vasquez for Johnny Depp's legal team.
"We ask that you fully and fairly compensate Amber for everything she's been through"
Bredehoft: “Johnny Depp sued for $50 million, and we sent a message back saying, fine, we're gonna sue for $100m, because: look at what you've done to her. We're not asking you to give $100m; we're asking you to just look at the damages in this case, and just be fair and reasonable, and whatever you determine by following the evidence and the instructions. But we do ask that you fully and fairly compensate Amber for everything that she's been through."
And that ends the closing arguments from Heard's lawyers. There will now be an hour's lunch break, before both sides are given an opportunity for rebuttal closing arguments.

Amber Heard's lawyer Elaine Bredehoft during closing arguments.
(Photo: Steve Helber/Pool via REUTERS)
Heard "obviously couldn't have done it for the money"
Bredehoft: "Let's talk for a moment about the motive. They have said that she has created this whole hoax and I think Ben [Rottenborn]'s done a nice job of showing how that can't possibly have been. But what would Amber Heard's motive be for creating a hoax or creating any of this or making any of this up? That's a big question here. They call her a gold digger. Right. But she obviously couldn't have done it for the money."
Bredehoft goes on to explain that under California marriage law, Heard had little to gain in terms of her potential divorce settlement if she claimed abuse.
"There is no abuse hoax"
Bredehoft: "[Johnny Depp’s legal team say] we've reached the beginning of the end of Ms Heard’s abuse hoax against Johnny Depp. Now, the obviously the defamatory meaning of that is that Amber's creating an abuse hoax, but there is no abuse hoax.”

Amber Heard's lawyer Ben Rottenborn speaks during today's closing arguments.
(Photo: STEVE HELBER/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
"That’s psychological abuse. He’s going after Amber for nothing"
Bredehoft: “Here we are. Six weeks of your time, precious time, six weeks of this court’s time. For what? For nothing. Only to go after Amber. That’s psychological abuse. He’s going after Amber for nothing […]. So we’re fighting back. She finally has said enough. And we're asking you to finally hold this man accountable. He hasn’t taken responsibility for anything in his life. He hasn’t admitted anything, he has blamed everybody in the world: his agent, his manager, his lawyer, Amber, his friends, everybody, but he's never accepted responsibility for a thing he's done in his life. But we're asking you to make him completely responsible for his actions.”
"This trial is about so much more than Johnny Depp versus Amber Heard"
Rottenborn: “Ladies and gentlemen, It's time to tell Mr Depp that this was his last chance. Tell him to move on with his life. Tell him to let Amber move on with hers. Stand up for the freedom of speech and stand up for the First Amendment. This trial is about so much more than Johnny Depp versus Amber Heard. It’s about the freedom of speech. Stand up for it. Protect it and reject Mr Depp’s claims against Amber Heard.”
Rottenborn now hands over to Amber Heard's other lawyer, Elaine Bredehoft.
"Anything he lost is the result of his own choices”
Rottenborn: “He didn't lose anything as a result of this op ed. Anything he lost is the result of his own choices."
"The facts are absolutely overwhelming of abuse"
Rottenborn: "Ladies and gentlemen, the facts are absolutely overwhelming of abuse. One time, that's all you have to remember. Mr Depp simply cannot prove to you that he never once abused Amber. And if you don't know, you have to return a verdict for Ms Heard. A ruling against Amber here sends a message that no matter what you do as an abuse victim, you always have to do more. No matter what you document, you always have to document more. No matter whom you tell, you always have to tell more people. No matter how honest you are about your own imperfections and your own shortcomings in a relationship, you need to be perfect in order for people to believe you. Don't send that message. That's what he wants you to send.”
"They're trying to say she's the abuser for defending herself from this animal"
Rottenborn: “They got into a huge argument and at some point in the argument he bolted up the stairs. Now [Depp’s bodyguard] Travis McGivern explains that she threw a Red Bull can at him. She and Whitney Henriques say that absolutely didn't happen. But even if you believe Mr McGivern at some point, Mr Depp went up the stairs. He went to the fight. This is the man who claims he always wants to run, and this time he had his bodyguard with him. So he could have just walked out the door but he ran up the stairs […]. And Amber admitted that we thought about as he's grabbing at her and trying to club them. She said I punched him square in the face. I punched him square in the face. And they showed you a picture of the shiner that Mr Depp had. Ms Heard doesn't deny that. They're trying to say she's the abuser for defending herself and her sister from this animal is running at them."
Rottenborn: Depp finger incident "irrelevant" to deliberations
Rottenborn: “There's been testimony about what happened to cut [Depp’s] finger off but frankly, it's irrelevant to your deliberations here. She could have chopped it off with an axe and it has nothing to do with whether or not Mr Depp abused her. But we all know she didn’t. We all know that his fingers weren't curled, and someone was standing with a half gallon vodka bottle[…] and threw it and it somehow managed to damage, just the bottom of the finger and leave the nail fully intact. We all know that Mr Depp knows that didn't happen.”
"Almost all of them are witnesses on his payroll. They're all scared to say anything bad"
Rottenborn: “Ms Vasquez read a parade of witnesses that she believes support Johnny's defence in this case, but as you've seen over the course of this proceeding, these witnesses, as I previewed in the opening [statement], almost all of them are witnesses on his payroll. They're all scared to say anything bad about it. And they've seen what happens to people who do. And none were there for the incidences of domestic violence - what they're saying is, ‘Oh if he didn't abuse Ms Heard in front of his four bodyguards, that must have never happened.’ That's essentially what they're asking you to believe. That's ridiculous. That's not the way domestic violence works.”
"If he fails to prove that he never abused her one time, she wins"
Rottenborn: "They're trying to trick you into thinking that Amber has to be perfect in order to win even while they're ignoring Mr Depp's many flaws, but don't fall for that trick. Amber's not perfect. None of us are. She's never pretended to be, and that's not what you're being asked to decide. One time, one time, he abused her one time, and she wins. Actually, if he fails to prove that he never abused her one time, she wins."
"It's just victim blaming, and it's most disgusting"
Rottenborn: “She testified, you saw her testify about the sexual assault that she experienced at the hands of Mr Depp. You saw her testify about that. They're calling her a liar. You saw her on the stand testify with her own mouth. Exactly. exactly what she went through for the first time in court, because people who have suffered that, they don't want to broadcast that to the world. They want to penalise Ms Heard for not speaking about that earlier. That's ridiculous and it's insulting and it's just victim blaming, and it's most disgusting. The only reference to sexual assault in the article is sexual assault that she said she'd experienced by the time she was a college age before Mr Depp. So there is a reference to sexual violence in that article, but it's not by Mr Depp."
WaPo op-ed "isn't a hit piece on Johnny Depp"
"Ladies and gentlemen, this isn't a hit piece on Johnny Depp," Rottenborn says, adding: "Let's talk about the headline for a minute […] The undisputed evidence here is that Ms Heard didn't write the headline. She didn't approve the headline. She had nothing to do with it. She was not given notice of the headline."
"You cannot simultaneously protect and uphold the First Amendment, and find in favour of Depp"
Rottenborn: “Your key question to answer is, does the First Amendment give Ms Heard the right to write the words that she wrote in this article on December 18 2018? Ask the question. And you cannot simultaneously protect and uphold the First Amendment, and find in favour of Johnny Depp on his claim. You simply cannot have to decide should someone be able to write an article like that in the United States of America without being sued successfully, without having to go through the hell that this has gone through.
"Think about the message that Mr Depp and his attorneys are sending"
Ben Rottenborn begins by saying to the jury:
“Think about the message that Mr Depp and his attorneys are sending to Amber and to every victim of domestic abuse everywhere. If you didn't take pictures, it didn't happen. If you did take pictures, they're fake. If you didn't tell your friends, you're lying. If you did tell your friends, they're part of the hoax. If you didn't seek medical treatment, you weren't injured. If you did seek medical treatment, you're crazy. If you do everything that you can to help your spouse, the person that you love, rid himself of the crushing drug and alcohol abuse that spins him into an abusive rage-filled monster, you're a nag. And if you finally decide that enough is enough, you've had enough of the fear, enough of the pain and you have to leave to save yourself, you're a gold digger. That is the message that Mr Depp is asking you to set.”
Closing arguments: Heard's legal team
OK, everyone's back out at Fairfax County Court, and it's time for Amber Heard's legal team to offer their closing arguments.
AS USA's Will Gittins has put together a profile of Amber Heard's lawyer Ben Rottenborn.
AS USA's Maite Knorr-Evans profiles Camille Vasquez.

Depp's lawyer Camille Vasquez during closing arguments.
(Photo: Pool/Reuters)
"Give him his name, his reputation and his career back"
Chew finishes off by saying:
“You've seen the evidence in this case over six weeks, which we again thank you for. That evidence shows overwhelmingly that Ms Heard’s attempts to paint herself as a heroic survivor and innocent survive, and Mr Depp as a terrifying abuser, are utterly false. We asked you to please return your verdict for Mr Depp. We ask you, we implore you, to give him his name, his reputation and his career back."
That ends the closing arguments from Depp's legal team. There will now be a short break before Heard's team offer their final arguments.
"Mr Depp's name will be forever tarnished by these horrendous and false allegations"
Chew, who talks about “freeing him [Depp] from the prison in which he has lived for the last six years,” adds: “While Mr Depp's name will be forever tarnished by these horrendous and false allegations, this case is about telling you his story and the truth about what really happened […]. It is about restoring his lost reputation. It's about showing Mr. Depp's children, Lily-Rose and Jack, that the truth is worth fighting for. It is. And it's about restoring Mr Depp's name and standing in the community to the fullest extent that you can. Only you, ladies and gentlemen, can do that for him.”
Chew: "Message and implication" of WaPo op-ed "clear"
Chew: “The statements [in Heard’s op-ed] clearly refer to Ms Heard’s allegations against Mr Depp [in 2016] and, taken collectively, their message and their implication about Mr. Depp is clear. That Ms Heard is a survivor of domestic abuse, and that Mr.Depp is a perpetrator.
"Words matter. And Ms Heard is condemned by her own words"
Chew: “Ms Heard’s claims that the op-ed is not about Mr Depp is just another one of her many lies. In fact, what you have seen time and time again through the course of this trial, is that Ms Heard lies, she lies all the time, about things that are important, and the things that aren't important. She does […]. She doesn't take ownership or responsibility for anything. And she has an excuse for everything. But in this courtroom, confronted with evidence, she can't run away from her own words. As my colleague said, words matter. And Ms Heard is condemned by her own words.”
"A world of difference between having substance abuse problems and being a physical abuser"
Chew: “Mr Depp is no saint. And he has never claimed to be one. He has made mistakes in his life, as we all have. Yes, he has struggled with drugs and alcohol, but you never heard him deny it. We told you that in the opening statement. He owns his faults. He admits to them. He told you all about them.
“But he is not a violent abuser. He's not abuser as Ms Heard claims, and he did not and does not deserve to have his life, his legacy destroyed by this […]. There is a world of difference between having substance abuse problems and being a physical abuser.”
Moss "testified that Mr Depp never abused her"
Chew: "You heard Kate Moss testify two days ago. This is a woman who has never testified in any proceeding ever. A very private person testified that Mr Depp never abused her."
"This is 'me too', without any 'me too'"
Depp's other lawyer, Ben Chew, takes over from Vasquez. Here's an early quote from his address:
“Mr Depp dated major figures like Winona Ryder, Kate Moss, and Vanessa Paradis. They spent 14 years together and with her he had their children. Before Amber Heard ladies and gentlemen, no woman ever. No woman ever before Amber Heard ever claimed that Mr Depp raised a hand to her in his 58 years and no other woman since Ms. Heard made that false claim back on May 17, May 27 2016, and repeated it in her December 2018 op ed. Has any woman come forward since? This is 'me too', without any 'me too'.”
"It was false. It was defamatory. And it caused irreparable harm"
“What Ms Heard testified to in this courtroom is a story of far too many women. But the overwhelming evidence, the weight of that evidence shows that it's not her story. It's not Ms Heard’s story. It was an act of profound cruelty, not just to Mr Depp, but to true survivors domestic abuse, for Ms Heard to hold herself out as a public figure representing domestic abuse. It was false. It was defamatory. And it caused irreparable harm.”
"It is Ms Heard who repeatedly admits to violence"
"Heard will not admit that she has done anything wrong, but you cannot deny what you heard on these recordings […]. It is Ms Heard who repeatedly admits to violence.”
"You heard from Ms Heard on multiple recordings admitting to being physically violent to Mr Depp"
Vasquez: "You heard from Ms Heard on multiple audio recordings admitting to being physically violent to Mr Depp […]. What you didn’t hear in a single recording in this case, and there were many played by both parties, was Mr Depp ever admitting to hitting, punching or kicking Ms Heard. You didn’t hear it. It doesn’t exist. It didn’t happen. And despite the fact that Mr Depp and Ms Heard are currently discussing many of the alleged incidents you’ve heard about in this trial, like Australia and the Bahamas, you never heard Ms Heard accuse Mr Depp of sexual assault [in the audio recordings]."
"You heard from Mr Depp about how often Ms Heard would berate him, insult him, physically attack him"
Vasquez: “You heard from Mr Depp about how often Ms Heard would berate him, insult him, physically attack him, including one of the most serious occasions, when Ms Heard threw a vodka bottle at Mr Depp, severely injuring his finger, and then had put a cigarette out in his face.
"In her relationship with Mr Depp, she was violent, she was abusive, and she was cruel"
Vasquez: "During [our opening] statement, we made promises to you about what the evidence would show at the end of this trial. We’ve kept those promises. One of those promises we made was that you would come to understand who Ms Heard is. She is a deeply troubled person. Violently afraid of abandonment. Desperate for attention and approval. In her relationship with Mr Depp, she was violent, she was abusive, and she was cruel."
Vasquez: “There is an abuser in this courtroom, but it is not Mr Depp"
More from Camille Vasquez's closing argument:
“There is an abuser in this courtroom, but it is not Mr Depp. And there is a victim of domestic abuse in this courtroom, but it is not Ms Heard. The evidence presented at this trial has shown Ms Heard is in fact the abuser, and Mr Depp, the abused.
"As you heard from Mr Depp and multiple other witnesses who testified under oath at this trial, Mr Depp experience persistent verbal, physical and emotional abuse by Ms Heard during their relationship. And when their relationship was over, Ms Heard inflicted the greatest and cruelest injury of all. She publicly and falsely named Mr Depp as the abuser.
"Ms Heard never thought she would be held accountable. Never thought that she would have to face her abuser. She never thought she would have her supposed mountain of evidence vetted. She never thought that Mr Depp would tell you, the jury and the world, that he was the real victim of domestic abuse.”
Vasquez: "What is at stake at this trial is a man's life"
A couple of quotes from early in Camille Vasquez's closing argument:
- “What is at stake in this trial is a man’s good name. Even more than that, what is at stake at this trial is a man’s life."
- "What was happening behind closed doors was quite different to what Ms Heard has presented to the world. The exact opposite, in fact.”
Closing arguments underway
Closing arguments are now underway in Fairfax County Court. First up is Camille Vasquez, representing Johnny Depp.
As the trial is nearing the end, attention is now turning to the possible outcomes of the headline-grabbing court case. Johhny Depp initially sued Heard for defamation regarding an op-ed published in the Washington Post in 2018, demanding a huge compensation payment for the damages caused by the article.
But how much could it cost, and how much has Heard counter-sued for?
The jury has been released to begin their deliberations. The trial had initially been scheduled to end tomorrow Friday 27 Friday but instead both sides rested their cases this afternoon.
Depp is suing Heard for $50 million, saying she defamed him when she claimed she was a victim of domestic abuse. Heard has countersued for $100 million, arguing that Depp smeared her by calling her a liar. Both parties have completed their testimonies.
Read our full coverage for details on when the verdict will be released.
The trial has ended and the jury will begin determination tomorrow Friday 27 May. The Judge made sure to tell the jury not to do their own research or talk to anyone about the case.
Surgeon's testimony contradicts injury claim made by Depp
One the key issues in the Depp v Heard court case has been the difficulty in proving the injuries each side are claiming to have sustained as a result of the other, in a relationship that ended years before the case ever made it to court. However earlier this week a surgeon testifying said that the finger injury Depp alleges was caused by Heard, could not have happened as he claimed.
This report from AP says: "A hand surgeon testified Monday that Johnny Depp could not have lost the tip of his middle finger the way he told jurors it happened in his civil lawsuit against ex-wife Amber Heard."
What's happened so far in the Depp v Heard trial?
If you've not kept up to date with the Depp-Heard case, here's some of the key points from the weeks-long trial to get you up to speed:
-- Depp testified that he never hit Heard or any other woman. He said she was the one who became abusive and "bullied" him with "demeaning name calling." "It seemed like pure hatred for me," Depp said. "If I stayed to argue, eventually, I was sure it was going to escalate into violence, and oftentimes it did."
-- During an argument in Australia in early 2015, Depp said Heard threw a vodka bottle that severed the top of his right middle finger. The actor said he went into shock and wrote messages to Heard on the wall using blood from the finger. Heard offered a different account, sobbing as she told the jury that Depp sexually assaulted her that night by inserting a liquor bottle in her vagina. "I was scared," she said. "I had just married him."
-- A few months later, Heard said, Depp broke her nose and ripped out chunks of her hair during another violent encounter.
-- Heard's attorneys introduced photos that they said showed injuries after various arguments, including scars on her arm that were visible as she posed on a red carpet, and redness and swelling around an eye that she said was struck by a phone thrown by Depp. Attorneys for Depp showed images from public appearances that they said were taken around the time of their fights and appeared to show no injuries.
-- Depp testified that feces were found in the couple's bed in 2016. One of his security guards said Heard told him it was "a horrible practical joke gone wrong." Heard denied any involvement and suggested one of the couple's dogs was responsible.
-- Heard said Depp first became physically abusive when he slapped her after she laughed at a tattoo that said "Wino Forever." The tattoo previously said "Winona Forever," referring to Depp's former girlfriend, Winona Ryder.
-- Jurors heard an audio clip of Depp threatening to cut himself with a knife during one of their last in-person encounters. "That's psychologically, emotionally where I was," Depp said. "At the end, I was broken ... I thought the only answer is here, take my blood, that's all I've got left."
-- Heard's lawyers introduced text messages in which Depp called Heard a "filthy whore" and said he wanted her dead. Writing to actor Paul Bettany in 2013, Depp said: "Let's drown her before we burn her" and "I will fuck her burnt corpse afterward to make sure she is dead."
On Wednesday there was another famous face in front of the jury as British supermodel Kate Moss appeared to answer questions from Johnny Depp's legal team. The questions mostly related to the pair's romantic relationship in the mid-1990s and an allegation from Amber Heard that she had been concerned about Depp's actions, due to rumours that she was aware of from the previous relationship.
Here's what Kate Moss had to say at the Depp - Heard trial...
After a week-long break, both sides returned to the court room this week for what is expected to be the last few days of the trial. Last week one of Depp’s lawyers, Camile Vasquez, took centre stage when his team began their cross-examination of Amber Heard.
We take a look at the background of Depp's lead attorney...
What time will the Depp - Heard trial start
The court case between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard will continue today, Thursday 26 May at 9 am (ET) / 6 am (PT)in Virginia's Fairfax County Courthouse.
Depp is suing Heard for $50 million in damages for insinuating that he was an abuser. In return Heard filed a counterclaim for $100 million, alleging that she suffered "physical violence and rampant abuse" during the course of their relationship.
Welcome to AS USA
Good morning and welcome to our live coverage of the defamation trial between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp. We'll bring you all the latest from the courtroom as it happens and with a live feed of events in Fairfax, Virginia.
WATCH: Courtroom footage from the Depp v Heard trial
The trial, which had originally been due to end last week, continues today, Thursday 26 May, as we near the end of the final week’s testimony. Final arguments are to be heard on Friday 27 May, before the jury will be given time to confer.
The trial will resume today at 9:00am (ET) and we'll bring you live footage as the final days of the weeks-long case play out in court. Yesterday supermodel Kate Moss, who was in a romantic relationship with Depp in the 1990s, gave testimony which appeared to contradict a statement made by Heard.
CONTENT WARNING: Footage comes direct from inside the courtroom, where strong language and references to content including sex, violence and drug abuse is possible. Discretion is advised.