Johnny Depp v Amber Heard trial news summary: 8 June 2022

Depp v Heard verdict: headlines

- Johnny Depp's lawyer, Camille Vasquez, who rose to prominence during the trial has been promoted to the role of partner at the law firm Brown Rudnick. 

-Amber Heard’s sister speaks out about the verdict reach in the trial 

- Amber Heard's lawyer says she has "excellent grounds" to appeal the jury's decision. 

Depp awarded $10.35m in damages; Heard to receive $2m after winning on one count of defamation counter-suit

- Depp expected to return as pirate Jack Sparrow

Read more about the case from AS USA:

Depp's lawyers speak to Inside Edition

Benjamin Chew and Camille Vasquez spoke with Inside Edition after speaking with Johnny Depp on his reaction the trial verdict. 

When asked what it meant that one the counts made in Amber Heard's countersuit was considered defamation, Vasquez responded that they look at the entire decision which was highly favorable to Depp. 

Additionally, when asked about evidence that Heard's team was suppressed and could. have impacted their final decision, Chew spun the question to paint Heard's lawyer in poor light. Unlike the defamation suit that Depp lost in the United Kingdom, the court in Virginia did not get to see Heard's medical records, involving her therapist where she discusses the abuse, establishing a pattern.

On Wednesday 1 June, the $50-million defamation case brought by Johnny Depp against Amber Heard for an opinion piece she published in The Washington Post came to an end. The court’s decision was much lower than initially demanded by Depp’s legal team as it ordered Heard to pay $10.35 million to him in damages. There was also, though, a requirement on Depp to pay $2 million to his former wife for articles written by his publicist in The Daily Mail.

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Depp's lawyers speak about Depp and Heard defamation suit verdict

I think the key to victory was focusing on the facts and the evidence. And Johnny's opportunity to speak the truth for the first time. 

It was six years in the making and I think he was able to connect with the jury, and the general public. And tell what really happened in this relationship.

Camille Vasquez, speaking to George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America

He was over the moon. It was like the weight of the world had been taken off his shoulders. And I feel that finally after six years he's gotten his life back.

Benjamin Chew, responding to Depp's reaction to the verdict which Depp wasn't present at

Could Manson v Wood defamation case be Depp v Heard sequel?

In March 2022, shock rocker Marilyn Manson filed a defamation suit against ex-girlfriend and Westworld star Evan Rachel Wood. In 2016 Wood revealed to Rolling Stone that she was allegedly raped by a significant other, who she later named in 2021 as Brian Warner, a.k.a. Marilyn Manson.

With the defamation trial of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard concluded, some Pirate of the Carribean's fans are redirecting their social media attacks toward Wood. Unlike in the the case of Heard though, the Westworld star has repeatedly identified Manson as her abuser. Also whereas Depp's legal team were able to show that Depp's former girlfriends has accused him of abuse, Manson's history with abuse allegations stems back nearly 25 years.


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Memorabilia from Depp vs Heard defamation trial up for auction

One Kentucky man traveled to Fairfax, Virginia to witness the mutual defamation trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. But  he didn't just sit idlly there and watch, he also took notes. Now the highest bidder can read his musings and about what the cameras didn't catch. Bidding is at $14,000.


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What has Amber Heard's lawyer said about an appeal?

So what did Depp’s team learn from [the Sun libel case]? Demonize Amber, and suppress the evidence. They were able to suppress the medical records, which were very, very significant, because they showed a pattern going all the way back to 2012 of Amber reporting this to her therapist, for example. We had significant amount of texts, including from Mr. Depp’s assistant, saying ‘When I told him he kicked you, he cried, he is so sorry.’ That didn’t come in.

She was demonized here.

Elaine Charlson Bredehoft, Amber Heard's lawyer

Last week, an attorney for the Amber Heard confirmed that she would be appealing the jury’s decision, saying that “she has some excellent grounds for it.” Although there had been talk as we awaited the jury’s verdict of a potential appeal if she lost, the general sense was that this would be difficult unless significant new evidence came into play.

Up stepped Elaine Charlson Bredehoft, speaking on NBC, to announce that the appeal would be going ahead stating that Depp’s team was “able to suppress an enormous amount of evidence” that was allowed in the libel case in Britain, which Depp lost.

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Now, a few days after the verdict was made known, Heard’s sister, Whitney Henriquez, shared an emotional message of support for the actress, via Instagram.

The disappointment I feel today is beyond words,” Heard said in her statement, “I’m heartbroken that the mountain of evidence still was not enough to stand up to the disproportionate power, influence and sway of my ex husband.”

“I’m even more disappointed with what this verdict means for women. It is a setback. It sets back the clock to a time when a woman who spoke up and spoke up could be publicly shamed and humiliated,” she said. “It sets back the idea that violence against women should be taken seriously.”

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During the course of that trial one member of Depp’s legal team grew into something of a celebrity online with her sharp words to Heard and non-nonsense demeanour in court. Camille Vasquez was seen by many to be the crucial member of Depp’s team and she has been rewarded by being promoted to partner at law firm Brown Rudnick.

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Depp spends £50,000 on “champagne, wine, and cocktails” at Birmingham curry house

Johnny Depp splashed £50,000 on “champagne, wine, and cocktails” at Varasani, a luxury Indian restaurant in Birmingham while joining Jeff Beck on the guitarist's UK tour.

Depp was reported as describing the meal as"a little treat" for himself and his 21 guests and left a very generous tip for staff working at the restaurant. He had earlier appeared on stage alongside Beck at the city's Symphony Hall.


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Johnny Depp sings 'Time' with Jeff Beck at Birmingham Symphony Hall

Johnny Depp singing 'Time' from ex-Beach Boy Dennis Wilson's 1977 album Pacific Ocean Blue with Jeff Beck at Birmingham Symphony Hall on Monday night.

Depp posted a “thank you” message to his “most treasured, loyal and unwavering supporters” on his recently created TikTok account. While the actor feels vindicated and will “move forward,” a spokesperson for the “heartbroken” Heard said that while “he’s ‘moving forward,’ women’s rights are moving backward.”

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What did Johnny Depp say in his first Tiktok?

To all of my most treasured, loyal and unwavering supporters. We’ve been everywhere together, we have seen everything together. We have walked the same road together. We did the right thing together, all because you cared. And now, we will all move forward together. You are, as always, my employers and once again I am whittled down to no way to say thank you, other than just by saying thank you. So, thank you. My love & respect, JD

Johnny Depp, on Tiktok

Johnny Depp joins TikTok and racks up over 4.7 million followers

Johnny Depp has opened up his own personal TikTok account and by Tuesday afternoon had amassed over 4.7 million followers. Depp's bio description read simply, 'Occasional Thespian'.

His first video, a 30-second clip, features footage of fans supporting him during the trial and his stage appearances with Jeff Beck. It was accompanied by text thanking his fans. It already has 1.4 million likes.