Mother’s Day 2024: The best phrases for messages and cards to celebrate with our moms in the USA

Need some inspiration to write a card for the special mom in your life? We have you covered.

As Mother’s Day approaches, people are contemplating what gift to give their beloved mothers this year.

Moms often do not get the attention and recognition they deserve. While you might feel drawn to buying something material, many moms may also want a touch of sentimentality included in the celebration. Writing a card can be a great way to add this special touch.

It is important to write from the heart and mean the words you put down on paper. If you are having trouble getting started, here are a few questions that may help get those creative justices flowing:

  • What is your favorite memory together?
  • What skills and traits does she have that you admire?
  • What have you learned from her that has helped you in your life?
  • What has her support allowed you to achieve?
  • Do you have anything that you would like to apologize for?

Writing about someone so close to us can be challenging, but allow yourself to dive deeper into the project. At times it can be helpful to draw on the inspiration of others who have written beautifully about the love they have for their mothers.

For instance, poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou once said: “To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power.” Her words remind us that a mother’s power to care for her children and those around her is unmatched and indeed a “force of nature.”

Striking a slightly different tone, author Jill Churchill once wrote, “There is no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.” Our parents are people, and they can let us down because of that fact. But when thinking about ways to celebrate your mother, those moments of disappointment should not discount that, for the most part, most parents are trying to do their best.

During tough economic times, the words of Jane Sellman, ring true “the phrase ‘working mother’ is redundant.” Eighty-four percent of single parents in the United States are women. Around seventy-percent form part of the labor force and still around a third of single-parent households live in poverty. These studies cast light on the tremendously difficult task of running a household alone in the US today.

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Any mother could do the jobs of several air traffic controllers with ease.

Lisa Alther

If evolution really works, how come mothers have only two hands?

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I can imagine no heroism greater than motherhood.

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Mothers can look through a child’s eyes and see tomorrow.

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