Trump, Biden or other? Nikki Haley reveals who she’ll vote for president

After dropping out of the Republican presidential race after Super Tuesday losses, Nikki Haley has spoken about the November elections.

Jonathan ErnstREUTERS

The road to the November presidential elections continues, with both President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump seeking a second term in the White House.

Trump became the only candidate of the Republican party in March after former South Carolina governor and US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley withdrew her bid.

In the first months of the year, several states held primary elections to choose the candidate to represent the Republicans in November. However, Haley only won in one: Vermont, where she won with 50.1% of the vote, compared to 45.9% for Trump. Haley also won the primaries in DC.

The former governor did not throw her support behind Trump when she announced she was pulling out of the race.

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Nikki Haley reveals she plans to vote for Donald Trump

During a question and answer session at the Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C., Haley indicated that she now plans to vote for Trump.

She said Trump “hasn’t been perfect” on policies important to her, including foreign policy, immigration and the economy, but added that President Joe Biden “has been a catastrophe... So I’m going to vote for Trump,” she stated, according to a CNN report.

Trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me, and not assume that they will simply be with him. And I really hope he does,” she added.

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Although several 2024 Republican candidates threw their support behind Trump soon after withdrawing from the race, Haley initially said she no longer felt bound by the promise she made to the Republican National Committee to support whomever will end up becoming party candidate.

During her time in the presidential race, Haley did not hold back on her criticism of the former president, even questioning his mental state.

After announcing her resignation as a Republican candidate, the former governor said: “I congratulate him [Trump] and wish him the best. I wish the best to anyone who becomes president of the United States. Our country is too valuable to allow our differences to divide us.”

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