Security tips for shopping online safely on Cyber ​​Monday

Scammers are more than aware of people looking for deals today. If the price looks too good to be true, it probably is.


Cyber Monday caps off the busy Thanksgiving shopping period. While the weekend promises many supposedly amazing deals, be aware that companies are more than aware of the buzz around Black Friday weekend and that many of the deals are not as they seem.

But lets say you have found a particularly good deal that is actually cheaper than at any other time of the year? If it sounds too good to be true then perhaps it is, it’s an easier trap to fall into online compared to in-person shopping due to the tricky nature of internet shopping.

Here are a number of methods you can use to make sure you don’t ripped off with less than a month until Christmas.

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Using a credit card

While using a debit card online may feel like more financial security, as you can’t get into debt with a debit card, shopping online with it could lead to problems. This is because you are spending your own money instead of spending your banks money with a credit card. In cases of fraud the bank wants to recover their losses; fraud with debit card they are unlikely to help.

Of course this means you have to be invested into the financial system which necesitates the use of credit alongside the risk of running up of debt but that is a decision for you to take.

Use trusted retailers

This may seem like an obvious one but it is less than likely that a site like Amazon or LEGO are going to be looking to scam you compared to an unknown site.

Alternatively, look up reviews of unknown websites or companies you are unsure about.

SSL certifications

Following on from the above point, scammers may be using fake versions of websites to trick consumers.

Make sure to look for the link for valid SSL certifications (https://) and make sure there aren’t any extensions such as “.cc” on otherwise trusted domains.

Anti-malware protection

Fake or insecure websites may be littered with viruses and malware which could damage your computer or steal you data, including banking and personal information. Having appropriate virus protection on your computer can help protection.

Much anti-malware software today also notifies users when a website is lacking SSL certification as mentioned prior.

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