Solar storm could leave the world without communications “for months”
The period in which the Sun’s activity is highest, expected for the summer of 2025, is advancing. Therefore, the chances of a solar storm affecting Earth are higher. All the details, below.
The Sun has been experiencing more intense activity than usual in recent months. According to scientists, more solar phenomena than what is considered ‘normal’ occur on the surface of our star reflects that of the solar maximum, i.e. , the period in which the Sun’s activity is at its highest - expected for the summer of 2025 - is being brought forward.
Therefore, the chances of a solar storm affecting the Earth have increased. So, what does this phenomenon consist of? It is clear: this is a temporary disturbance that will affect the Earth’s magnetosphere, as a result of certain phenomena that occur in the sun, according to the National Geographic Institute of Spain.
Origin of solar storms
Its origin is external and is produced by a sudden increase in the particles emitted in solar eruptions that reach the magnetosphere, causing alterations in the Earth's magnetic field. They can last from several hours to even a few days.
These geomagnetic storms have a global character, starting simultaneously at all points on Earth. However, the scope with which storms are observed in different places are different, being greater the higher the latitudes.
Solar storm could leave the world without communications “for months”
To know the impact of this phenomenon, you only need to observe the consequences it has had on previous occasions. Communication systems, such as radio signals and satellite navigation systems, may experience interruptions.
Power grids are also vulnerable, since geomagnetic currents induced by solar storms can damage transformers and other electrical equipment, which can lead to blackouts - even ones that are total. It is one of the conclusions that Cigref, a network of major French companies and public administrations, mentions in its latest guidance report.
In their opinion, this can deprive the world of electrical networks and communications “for several days, even months”, causing the total paralysis of communications and all the activities that depend on them.
While these solar storms can have impressive visual effects in the form of aurora at latitutdes near the poles, the solar particles increase radiation in the upper atmosphere. which can represent a risk to the health of astronauts and damage the electronics of satellites.
As well, they can cause havoc for our modern infrastructure on Earth that most of us depend on for our daily lives. Preparing for and getting through the consequences of a particularly powerful solar storm requires planning and preventative measures. Below, National Geographic details some strategies to deal with these types of events: