Strawberry Moon 2024: What is the best time to see it?

The Strawberry Moon is coming and as it will be the lowest full moon of the year it will more likely have a reddish color especially from higher latitudes.

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One of the most appreciated celestial spectacles by sky lovers will be visible this Friday, June 21: the Strawberry Moon.

What is the Strawberry Moon and why is it called that?

According to information from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), each full moon receives a name depending on the season. The full moon in June is known as the Strawberry Moon because it occurs during the short strawberry harvest season in the northeastern United States.

Another name that this moon usually receives is also the Honeymoon because, at the end of June, this sweet and viscous fluid is ready for harvest. Unlike the Strawberry Moon, the name Honeymoon has its origins in Europe and dates back to the 16th century. There are those who also call the June moon as the Rose Moon for the roses that bloom in the middle of the year.

Strawberry Moon 2024: the best time to see it in the United States

Since the Strawberry Moon will occur one day after the summer solstice, it will be “the lowest full moon of the year”; that is, the one that can best be seen in all of 2024 due to the reddish color it is more likely to have similar to when it rises and sets. According to NASA, the Strawberry Moon will rise at 9:08 p.m. ET.

However, the best time to see it will be once it has completely ascended, around 9:15 p.m. ET. The phenomenon will be visible until the morning of Sunday, June 23. It will only reach 21.9 degrees above the southern horizon at 1:20 am.

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When will the next full moon be?

Since the Moon orbits the Earth every 29.5 days, a full moon occurs every month, so the Strawberry Moon happens every year in June. That said, we share with you what moons are left for the remainder of 2024:

  • July 21: Super Deer Moon
  • August 19: Super Sturgeon Moon
  • September 17: Harvest Moon
  • October 17: Hunter's Moon
  • November 15: Beaver Moon
  • December 15: Cold Moon

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