The age in which we are no longer young, according to the experts

Stanford University sets 78 as the year old age begins, and has divided the aging process into three phases.

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According to Merriam-Webster, old age is defined as “the time of life when a person is old.” But what does it mean to be old? This question has no single answer since it depends on many subjective elements. While some people who are not over 40 consider themselves old, either because of their physical condition or lifestyle, many older people refuse to accept that label.

The perception of old age varies significantly between individuals and cultures. For some, old age may be associated with retirement, physical decline, or decreased social activity. For others, it is a period of new opportunities and personal growth where accumulated experience and wisdom come to the fore. This diversity in perception underscores that old age is not simply a matter of chronological age but a social and personal construct.

In addition, health, environment, and personal expectations influence how old age is experienced and perceived. While some may feel that they have aged as they face physical limitations or illness, others continue pursuing new goals and maintaining a youthful attitude, regardless of age. In this sense, old age is a subjective and multifaceted concept that varies from person to person, challenging strict definitions and stereotypes associated with advanced age.

The Stanford University study

Even so, science has always tried to determine whether there is an exact age at which old age begins in various studies. In this case, the Faculty of Medicine at Stanford University, located in California and considered one of the best universities in the world, conducted a study in which they divided the aging process into three stages.

First, adulthood (34 to 60 years), then late middle age (60 to 78 years), and finally, old age, which officially begins at age 78. Blood proteins are the study’s protagonists, revealing their crucial role in aging. By analyzing protein levels in more than 4,000 participants, the researchers identified how these molecules influence different aspects of aging, offering new insights into health and longevity

Your body never lies, nor does your physical condition, but only you can decide when to accept old age. Age is a number, but spirit and personal perception dictate how we live each stage of our lives. While some feel the weight of the years in their forties, others embrace youth in their late middle age. Old age, then, is a dance between biological reality and personal attitude, where each individual has the power to define their own limits and potentials without surrendering to simple age labels.

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