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These are the 10 zip codes in the United States where rent is most expensive

Housing rent in the United States has increased in general, although certain exclusive areas have unaffordable prices for the majority of citizens.

The zip codes with the most expensive rent

Many people around the United States, for different reasons, choose to rent instead of buying a home, at least during a specific period of their lives. This past year, in fact, the percentage of tenants increased to the highest in history, estimated at a total of 43.7 million properties for rent throughout the country.

Although it is a great option for many people who reside in an area temporarily or have their family situation requires them to upsize or downsize their living quarters, there are many people who also resort to this way of life because their economic situation does not allow them to purchase a home of their own.

According to the studies carried out in this last quarter of 2023, the price of rentals continue to rise, making it one of the main concerns of those who rent a home at this time. This is in part driven in several locations around the United States from a serious problem of supply shortage due to the enormous demand for housing in certain urban centers.

Luxury rental

Although it is not the most popular, the rental of luxury or high-value properties is also notable in some states and localities. There are certain very exclusive homes that are offered temporarily for prices that are quite high for the current salaries of most people.

These residences have several parameters that dictate their price. One of them, and probably the main reason, is the location of the property. Certain areas in relation to climate, security or the offer of leisure on hand (or any other area directly related to the quality of life) are all relevant issues when it comes to renting and cause an increase in value.

These are the 10 most expensive zip codes to rent in the US (Study carried out by the RentHop)

NamePostal CodeLocationPrice (segment)
Fisher Island33109Florida$20,000/$12,000
Westhampton Beach11978NY$18,000/$12,000
Snowmas Village81615Colorado$10,500/$6,500
New York10007NY$8,700/$6,000
New York10282NY$8,695/$5,995
Santa Monica90402California$8,500/$5,198
New York10001NY$7,995/$5,992
New York10069NY$7,892/$4,736

However, while rents have been rising around the nation, there are some areas that are beginning to see a respite and rents are actually starting to retreat. You may be interested in finding out about the 15 US cities where rent is falling in 2023.