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These are the best technologies for cars presented in 2022

Each of these inventions will be common in vehicles in the near future. Let’s take a look.

Luis Hernández del Arco
Ciudad de MéxicoUpdate:

Although a shortage of chips continues to plague the automotive industry, vehicle manufacturers and technology companies have not stopped developing innovations for cars. Throughout 2022, there were many advancements in technologies, ideas, and concepts that make it possible to forecast what the future could look like for motorists and passengers.

Here are some of the most innovative ideas focused on the automotive industry that will surely make driving more comfortable and safer.

Harman Ready Care

This system uses machine learning and an army of sensors installed in the cabin to determine the personal state of the driver. Depending on the results, this technology can automatically adjust the experience behind the wheel in a way that makes the journey much safer.

First, Harman Ready Care uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and built-in sensors to measure cognitive distraction. Then, with the help of a familiar setup that has been in use for a while, including car sensors, it can determine the driver’s drowsiness and then classify it according to predefined rules.

Finally, it measures the reaction to stress while driving using neuroscience data.

All the information collected about the driver allows the system to optimize the driving experience by finding a stress-free route to the destination through deep integration with the navigation system. Depending on how drowsy the driver is, you can adjust the settings for the air conditioning, audio playback, and even the cabin lights.

YankTech Wireless Charger

This innovation is a wireless charging system that allows drivers and passengers to charge their devices without specific equipment like cables.

Its wireless power concept uses a proprietary antenna and amplifier to enable any device in a car to charge wirelessly (if it supports wireless charging in the first place, of course).

Through this solution, car passengers do not have to put their phones on special charging stands, as mobile devices get additional power from the moment they enter the cabin.

Cadillac cockpit

Cadillac proposed a completely revolutionary transformation of the modern cockpit. As a two-passenger electric and autonomous luxury vehicle, this invention called InnerSpace equips a 55-inch screen that takes up the entire length of the board.

There are no pedals or steering wheels because that’s what cars of the future are all about, and the concept also comes with all sorts of crazy ideas, including LED panels that are integrated directly into the body of the car.

BMW and the car that changes color

It is a technology that makes the body of cars change color using a special electronic ink system integrated into a wrapper installed on the outside.

Due to the limitations of e-ink, BMW’s iX Flow could only use grayscale. Still, it goes without saying that the technology could be further improved to allow for more colors and various customizations.

Next generation CarPlay

Projected to go live in 2023, the new CarPlay occupies the entire cabin using all the screens that are installed in the car.

So the new CarPlay can bring a more native experience to the driver by displaying information right in front of them, obviously with a greater focus on personalization on both the manufacturer and driver side.

This new generation of Apple’s interface would also be integrated into the vehicle at a deeper level, giving you access to more features, including climate control systems. Many believe this is a preview of how Apple wants to transform the car cabin with the upcoming Apple Car.

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