Two of the four Americans kidnapped in Mexico are found dead

The Governor of Tamaulipas confirms the finding of kidnapped Americans in Matamoros, Mexico: Two of them dead.

Estados Unidos

Through a phone call during a press conference with the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrado, the Governor of Tamaulipas, Américo Villarreal Anaya, confirmed the discovery of the kidnapped Americans in the city of Matamoros ; unfortunately, two of them were found dead, while one is seriously injured and the other is safe.

Currently, there is one person in custody; however, his identity has not been released. Meanwhile, US authorities suggest that the family was kidnapped by a Mexican cartel that “probably” mistook them for Haitian drug traffickers, according to CNN citing a country official familiar with the ongoing investigation.

The Tamaulipas prosecutor, Irving Barrios, also confirmed the news via social networks:

“Deriving from the joint search actions, the 4 US citizens deprived of their liberty were found last Friday. Unfortunately two dead. Investigation and intelligence work continues for the capture of those responsible, read his tweet.

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The family had traveled to Mexico for a medical procedure

The kidnapping occurred on Friday, March 3. According to the US Embassy and Consulates in Mexico, the four Americans crossed into Matamoros in a white minivan with North Carolina license plates. Shortly after arriving in the city, unidentified gunmen fired at the vehicle, then transferred the passengers to another car and fled the scene with them.

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