Video: This is what the crater of the Popocatépetl Volcano looks like

Incredible footage taken last year shows the Popocatépetl Volcano’s crater from a unique perspective at the top.


This video, taken in March of 2022 by reporters from Los Titulares, shows the view of the Popocatépetl Volcano’s crater from above. The volcano has been particularly active for a few weeks now and though this is a beautiful video, the Natural Disaster Prevention Center warns not to go near the top “due to the danger of falling ballistic fragments”.

The volcano was dormant for more than 70 years before it became active in 1994, and since then, it’s been emitting toxic fumes and ash consistently, and since May 18, 2023, the ash fall has become so bad that schools have been canceling classes and some airports had to shut down. Residents of nearby neighborhoods and towns are worried about a potential eruption.