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What are the new Veterans Affairs disability rates for 2023?

Changes to the COLA for 2023 will have an effect on the money veterans can receive for injuries sustained during their service.

What are the new Veterans Affairs disability rates for 2023?

Last month the Social Security Administration (SSA) announced an historic increase for beneficiaries, reflecting the damaging effects that covid-19 has had on the economy. Each year the SSA implements a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA), which is designed to increase benefits in line with inflation.

Starting in January 2023, an 8.7 percent increase will be applied to monthly payments surpassing last year’s 5.9 percent bump.

How much will veteran disability payments be in 2023?

How much you receive is based upon the severity of an injury as well as the number of dependents.

Compensation rates for Veterans with a 10% to 20% disability rating

Disability ratingMonthly payment (in US $)

Basic monthly rates for 30% to 60% disability rating with a dependent spouse or parent, but no children

Dependent status30% disability rating (in US $)40% disability rating (in US $)50% disability rating (in US $)60% disability rating (in US $)70% disability rating (in US $)80% disability rating (in US $)90% disability rating (in US $)100% disability rating (in US $)
Veteran alone (no dependents)508.05731.861,041.821,319.651,663.061,933.152,172.393,621.95
With spouse (no parents or children)568.05811.861,141.821,440.651,804.062,094.152,353.393,823.89
With spouse and 1 parent (no children)616.05875.861,222.821,537.651,917.062,223.152,498.393,985.96
With spouse and 2 parents (no children)664.05939.861,303.821,634.652,030.062,353.152,643.394,148.03
With 1 parent (no spouse or children)556.05795.861,122.821,416.651,776.062,062.152,317.393,784.02
With 2 parents (no spouse or children)604.05859.861,203.821,513.651,889.062,191.152,462.393,946.09

With dependent spouse or parent, but no children

Dependent status30% disability rating (in US $)40% disability rating (in US $)50% disability rating (in US $)60% disability rating (in US $)70% disability rating (in US $)80% disability rating (in US $)90% disability rating (in US $)100% disability rating (in US $)
Veteran with 1 child only (no spouse or parents)548.05785.861,108.821,400.651,757.062,041.152,293.393,757.00
With 1 child and spouse (no parents)612.05870.861,215.821,528.651,907.062,212.152,486.393,971.78
With 1 child, spouse, and 1 parent660.05934.861,296.821,625.652,020.062,341.152,631.394,133.85
With 1 child, spouse, and 2 parents708.05998.861,377.821,722.652,133.062,470.152,776.394,295.92
With 1 child and 1 parent (no spouse)596.05849.861,189.821,497.651,870.062,170.152,438.393,919.07
With 1 child and 2 parents (no spouse)644.05913.861,270.821,594.651,983.062,299.152,583.394,081.14

Added amounts

Disability rating30% disability rating (in US $)40% disability rating (in US $)50% disability rating (in US $)60% disability rating (in US $)70% disability rating (in US $)80% disability rating (in US $)90% disability rating (in US $)100% disability rating (in US $)
Each additional child under age 1830.0040.0050.0060.0070.0080.0090.00100.34
Each additional child over age 18 in a qualifying school program97.00129.00162.00194.00226.00259.00291.00324.12
Spouse receving Aid and Attendance56.0074.0093.00111.00