What does a beige flag mean? Indicators on dating apps and social media and their meaning

The TikTok trend has had people explaining some of their partner’s quirkier traits on the platform.

TikTok has had numerous trends that have rocked the social media space. If you have been on the app you will no doubt have been bombarded by ‘beige flags’, a trend of people showing off something about their partner which may not be something that is typically a good quality, though not bad at the same time.

All the examples have been expertly crafted with the most scientific methods possible: asking my friends on Whatsapp their opinions.

Beige flags

As part of the newest trend, pinning down what a beige flag is is slightly more tricky. From the perspective of the author, a beige flag is a quality of a partner that may appear odd but is at the same time quite endearing.

Beige flags are distinct to the other coloured flags by not necessarily being a good or bad quality.


Green flags

Green flags in a relationship are positive signs that indicate a healthy and fulfilling connection. They are the little things that make you feel lucky to have found such a great partner.


  • Is active when you are recounting your day
  • Prepares food for when you come home from work
  • Men with dogs
  • When someone is honest about their intentions from the start

Red flags

On the contrary, red flags are the opposite to green and are things that should be avoided in potential partners.

A red flag in a relationship is a warning sign that something might not be quite right. It’s like a little voice in your head saying, “Hey, pay attention to this!” Red flags can indicate potential issues or behaviors that could be harmful to the relationship or to your well-being.


  • Guys who can’t admit when food is too spicy
  • Ordering pineapple on pizza (sorry not sorry)
  • Tomato ketchup on a Sunday roast
  • A folding phone case under the age of 40
  • Someone who claps when the plane lands
  • If someone has to call themself "a nice guy
  • No platonic friends of the opposite sex

These red flags are just warning signs or a bit of fun. Keep your sense of humor intact, but trust your gut; If something feels off, it probably is. Relationships should be filled with love, laughter, and a few playful jokes, not a routine of red flags.

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