What is Grant Cardone’s net worth? How old was he when he became a millionaire?

Struggling at 25, his mom gave him a piece of business advice that changed his life and made him a multimillionaire in just a matter of years.


Grant Cardone was struggling when he was 25 years old with addiction and keeping his head above water financially. However, he says that a piece of business advice from his mom, the best he’s ever received, changed his life and fortunes.

“The best investment you will ever make is in yourself. It’s a-no lose deal. It will always give you a return. Nobody can take it from you. It’s yours,” he recounts her telling him. Now he’s an entrepreneur, motivational speaker, social media influencer and real estate mogul with a multibillion-dollar portfolio according to his own biography.

What is Grant Cardone’s net worth? How old was he when he became a millionaire?

Cardone graduated from McNeese State University located in his natal city of Lake Charles, Louisiana with a degree in accounting. However, he pursued sales and was working at a car dealership at age 25 whe things were on the rocks. Although he hated the job, he threw himself into it “100 percent” following his mother’s advice.

“I committed to learning everything I could about sales and the automobile industry,” he wrote in his 2016 book ‘Be Obsessed Or Be Average’, one of nearly a dozen he’s published. He said that he spent perhaps 700 hours that first year “just improving myself as a salesperson.”

He saw his commission-based earnings go from $3,000 to $6,000 a month. “I remember that $3,000 leap better than I remember the first million I made because it was probably more important to me,” Cardone told CNBC. He began using his earnings to invest in real estate and by the 30 he was a millionaire.

He now says that he has a net worth of around $600 million and claims that his seven privately-held companies have more than $4 billion in assets under management. His real estate empire alone owns roughly $2.7 billion worth of apartment buildings around the United States.

Besides cleaning up, no more drugs or booze, and mastering the art of sales he credits his success with other steps he’s taken as well. These include reinvesting surplus income, especially in real estate but keeping a diverse portfolio. Collaborating with others is better than competing on all fronts as creating wealth is a team sport, so he sees all strangers as an opportunity but removes those who are negative from his life.

Dedication, discipline and hardwork are also fundamental, being the first one in and the last one out of the office six days a week. Additionally, setting goals and targets on a daily basis to reimagine himself and going big with them. Follow all the latest news on AS USA.

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