What is the maximum income to qualify for CHIP in Florida?

The Child Health Insurance Program or CHIP provides health coverage to children from low-income families. What is the maximum income to qualify in Florida?


The Child Health Insurance Program is a federal program that provides health insurance coverage to children from low-income families. Established in 1997, CHIP is jointly funded by both the federal government and individual states.

The program provides health coverage to millions of children and families whose incomes are too high to qualify for Medicaid but are not able to afford private health insurance.

Who can qualify for CHIP in Florida?

If you want to be part of this benefit program, you must be a resident of the state and a US Citizen, national, or a non-citizen legally staying in the country. You must be uninsured and not qualified for Medicaid. You should also belong to one of the following categories:

  • 18 years of age and below;
  • Pregnant; or
  • A primary caregiver with a child or children 18 years old and below.

What is the maximum income to qualify for CHIP in Florida?

For you to be eligible for the program, you must have an annual household income that falls below the following amounts:

Household size Maximum annual income level

1                               $29,160

2                               $39,440

3                               $49,720

4                               $60,000

5                               $70,280

6                               $80,560

7                               $90,840

8                               $101,120

If there are more than eight people in your household, add $10,280 per extra person.

How do I apply for CHIP in Florida?

If you want to apply for coverage for your child, you can check out their calculator to find out how much your monthly premium would cost.

You can then apply for Florida KidCare and Healthy Kids online, which has open enrollment the whole year. Just go to their online application portal. Once you’ve completed your application, it takes around six weeks to process. Coverage will start after your child’s eligibility has been confirmed, and the first premium has been paid, if this is a requirement.

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