Who is Jordan Peterson and what is his net worth?

The Canadian professor has made a career out of attacking feminism and ‘political correctness’ with his carefully chosen language.


If you have heard the name Jordan Peterson then it is likely you have either seen him on YouTube, in a book, or hanging with some celebrities. He has a number of bestsellers including 12 Rules for Life self-help book, selling millions of copies. The Canadian professor recently took a snap alongside Manchester United and Portugal frontman Cristiano Ronaldo.

Peterson gained public attention due to a number of YouTube videos he featured in back in 2016. He criticised “political correctness” in his opposition to a Canadian government bill aimed at protecting people’s gender identity. Following this up he had a round of media appearances butting heads with presenters, only enhancing his popualrity. Back in 2016-2018 the YouTube algorithm meant these videos were endlessly sent around teenage boys feeds. Titles include Jordan Peterson calmly dismantles feminism infront of two feminists with more than 21 million views.

Peterson reguritates anti-feminist tropes but with a layer of academic language, giving some legitimacy to otherwise nonsense beliefs. He joins a chorus of ‘red-pilled’ incel (involuntary celibate) influencers in discussing ‘female hypergamy’, the belief that if there was no such thing as monogamy that a small number of men would be mating with a large number of women, keeping the rest of men in sexless lives. This is a core incel belief. It takes into no account of what a woman’s choice may be in the matter, however.

In one video, titled “Evolutionary Psychologist Explains Why Women Fall For “Bad Boys””, he talks about “dark triad traits” and why “mainly younger women” tend to be attracted to so-called bad boys. There is absolutely no evidence for thinking like this but the fact that a qualified professor talks about it means people may believe it.

Tabatha Southey, a columnist for the Canadian magazine Macleans, described him as “the stupid man’s smart person”.

Peterson’s secret sauce is to provide an academic veneer to a lot of old-school rightwing cant, including the notion that most academia is corrupt and evil, and banal self-help patter,” says Southey. “He’s very much a cult thing, in every regard. I think he’s a goof, which does not mean he’s not dangerous.”

What is his net worth? estimates his wealth to be upwards of $8 million. This is due to information he gave in a 2019 interview where he discussed money from his book releases and patreon, which he has now shutdown.

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