Why did activists attack Walmart billionaire, Nancy Walton super yacht?

A Spanish environmental protest group covered the obscene boat in paint while it was in port in the island resort of Ibiza.


A $300 million yacht was sprayed red and white by climate activists in Spain. The group Futuro Vegetal also held up a sign saying, “You consume, others suffer.”

Spain has been facing a drought since the turn of the year as the climate crisis has been lifting global temperartures in the last four decades.

The Kaos is owned by the billionaire Walmart heiress Nancy Walton Laurie. According to Yacht Bible, the ship has four decks and can sleep 31 guests and 45 crew. It has 16 guest cabins and costs up to $30 million a year to run.

Why climate activists are targeting super yachts

Super yachts are symbols of extreme wealth and luxury. The owners of these yachts produce far more emissions compared to he average person, contributing disproportionately to environmental degradation. Protesting against these craft means climate activists can attract media attention, hence the banner held up specifically protesting the consumption of billionaires.

In terms of the particularly Balearic environmental problems, wealthy foreigners have driven up property prices and rental costs, making it challenging for locals to find affordable housing options. While not explicitly mentioned by Futuro Vegetal, the local context is important for understanding why some Spaniards are taking extra measures to let their voices be heard.

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