Why do dogs sleep so much? How many hours do they sleep per day on average?

Dogs are pretty lazy creatures and sleep for a long time. Who wouldn’t if they weren’t bothered by things like jobs and taxes?


If diamonds are a girl’s best friend, then dogs are man’s equivalent. Due to the lack of any real urgencies in their lives, except perhaps searching for the next meal, canines enjoy a lot of sleep.

On average, adult dogs sleep between 12 and 14 hours a day. Puppies, on the other hand, tend to sleep even more, sometimes up to 18 to 20 hours a day.

Why do dogs sleep for so long?

Dogs are active creatures and expend a lot of energy during periods of wakefulness. Walking twice a day, like most dogs should, will tire them out. The breed of dog is important here, as working dogs will need less sleep compared to something like a Newfoundland.

Puppies are basically professional sleepers. Sleep is crucial for their muscles, bones, and overall physical and mental well-being during the main stage of their development.

Sleep is essential for the body to repair and regenerate tissues. The body’s natural healing processes kick in during sleep, aiding in recovery from the daily hustle of tail-chasing and squirrel-scouting missions.

The sleepiest breeds

With their slobbery wrinkles and stocky build, Bulldogs are the kings of relaxation.

Despite their racing pedigree, Greyhounds are well known for being sleepy.

Yappy Dachshunds are also master nappers.

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