Why does my iPhone say “SOS only” and how to fix it?

Here are some common reasons for this issue and potential solutions.


When your iPhone displays “SOS only,” it means that your device is having trouble connecting to your mobile carrier’s network. This can happen for various reasons and the message serves as an indicator that your iPhone is currently only able to make emergency calls (SOS calls) and not regular voice or data connections.

No cellular coverage

Check your location to ensure you are within an area with cellular coverage.
If you are in a remote area, you may be out of range of your carrier’s network.

Make sure that your iPhone is not in Airplane Mode. When Airplane Mode is activated, all wireless connections, including cellular, are disabled.

Restart Your iPhone

Without wishing to sound too IT crowd, restart your iPhone to refresh its settings and reconnect to the cellular network. Turn off your iPhone, wait a few seconds, and then turn it back on.

If problems persist then head to your local Apple store. Your device may have a hardware issue that cannot be solved simply.

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