Gaming Club

We'll have to wait

Final Fantasy XVI news coming until 2022

COVID-19 made a major impact on the development of Final Fantasy XVI during 2021, and we will have to wait for more news about Square Enix’s upcoming game.


Square Enix revealed that Final Fantasy XVI’s next big reveal is now expected to arrive in Spring 2022.

Through a post on Twitter, game producer Naoki Yoshida apologized for not being able to keep their promise to show more about the upcoming title in 2021. "I deeply apologize to all those who have been looking forward to learning more about Final Fantasy XVI,” wrote Yoshida. “Thank you for your continued patience while we focus our combined efforts on development.”

The producer also mentioned the current COVID-19 pandemic and the decentralization of the workforce as factors behind the lack of news regarding the game’s development, which now has been delayed "by almost a half year.” Although they spent much of 2021 addressing this issue, Yoshida mentions that by 2022 they can “better focus on tasks at hand: increasing graphic quality resources, refining combat mechanics”, among others.

The good news, Yoshida mentioned that the team plans their next big reveal in Spring of 2022 “as we seek to build excitement leading up to the game’s eventual release.”

Final Fantasy XVI was announced during PlayStation 5’s event in September 2020 as one of the console’s exclusive titles.

Source | Final Fantasy XVI on Twitter