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The Batman is “almost a horror movie", according to Matt Reeves: this is its soundtrack

The director of the new Dark Knight movie claims he was inspired by the 1970s Zodiac Killer for The Riddler. You can also enjoy the main theme now.


The Batman is getting closer and closer to its much anticipated theatrical release, which is why the film's promotional machinery has begun to intensify in recent weeks. So much so that Matt Reeves, director of the new Dark Knight movie, has shared his sources of inspiration, assuring that the film is "almost a horror movie". In addition, its composer Michael Giacchino has shared the main theme of the soundtrack, already available through Spotify.

The Batman: A Detective Story

According to Reeves, he wanted to emphasize Batman's more detective side, an aspect that hasn't been developed much in adaptations of the character to date: "This idea of a place that is corrupt, and you try to swim against the tide in order to fight against it and make a difference, is quintessential Batman. And at the center of those noir stories is almost always the detective, right? And that’s why he is the world’s greatest detective. And so this story is, in addition to being almost a horror movie, and a thriller, and an action movie, at its core, it’s also very much a detective story.”

One aspect that the filmmaker has worked on the most, though, is to give The Riddler a truly terrifying halo, even inspired by real events: "The premise of the movie is that The Riddler is kind of molded in an almost Zodiac Killer sort of mode, and is killing very prominent figures in Gotham, and they are the pillars of society. These are supposedly legitimate figures. It begins with the mayor, and then it escalates from there. And in the wake of the murders, he reveals the ways in which these people were not everything they said they were, and you start to realize there’s some kind of association."

In addition, actor Robert Pattinson, who plays Bruce Wayne/Batman, says that after reading the script he was surprised by the film's detective focus: “It’s a detective movie. It happens all the time in the graphic novels, but it’s always kind of on the backburner in the movies.” Finally, the film's composer Michael Giacchino has shared the main theme of The Batman, which you can listen to above.

Source | Moviemaker Magazine