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From Software

Elden Ring goes gold and celebrates with new playable material

From Software concludes the development of Elden Ring. The news comes out during the celebration of the Taipei Game Show. Already on its way to February 25.


Elden Ring has concluded its development. From Software's latest work enters the expected gold phase, which signals that the work has been completed. The Japanese studio is currently outlining the launch patch to polish the last details before its release. Remember that it will be released on February 25 on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One and PC.

This was confirmed by Yasuhiro Kitao, one of the project's top managers: "Elden Ring was originally slated for release in January of this year, and it has been pushed back once to February. But please be assured, the title will be ready for sale on February 25." Kitao notes that version 1.0 has already been supported. "The team is working on a day one patch to make sure everything in the game is just so," he concludes.

The news has come out during the Taipei Game Show, where Bandai Namco has placed all the spotlight on the game. In addition to Kitao's statements, there are at least five minutes of unreleased gameplay footage, which you can find below.

Elden Ring is the culmination of the Dark Souls trilogy

Hidetaka Miyazaki, director of Elden Ring, recently assured that the title is the culmination of all the work they have done on the Dark Souls trilogy. "Elden Ring is based on a culmination of everything we've done with the Dark Souls series and with our games thus far. That's the best way to look at it," Miyazaki explains.

"So it’s not necessarily about what we couldn’t do and now we can do, it’s more about what Elden Ring has allowed us through the experience of developing those games. In that sense, it could not have been the first. But there are many different things in each of those games, and Elden Ring represents the culmination of all that knowledge and experience in one place. And that creates a new entity that had not been possible until now," he concludes.

Source | Gematsu