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This is the actress who replaced Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman in the Peacemaker cameo

James Gunn's celebrated series for DC includes the much talked about Justice League cameo in its final episode; who is the actress in the cameo?


Peacemaker, James Gunn's celebrated series for DC, reached its final episode last week with an explosive cameo in one of its final scenes. In fact, we see the Justice League itself arriving at the scene of the final confrontation between Peacemaker and company against the alien butterflies. A witty cameo in which the Peacemaker himself reproaches them for always being late, not without joking again about Aquaman's love preferences. Of course, we only see four members of the Justice League on screen, two of them with their usual interpreters (Aquaman and Flash) and the other two shadowed without showing their faces (Superman and Wonder Woman). Now we know who played the role of Gal Gadot for the cameo.

Gal Gadot's replacement actress comes to light

While Jason Momoa and Ezra Miller are on screen in close-ups and even talking to each other, both Superman and Wonder Woman appear symbolically. This is because they did not have their usual performers: Henry Cavill and Gal Gadot, respectively. Now, we know that the actress who played Wonder Woman is Kimberly Von Illberg. This became known thanks to her social media, where she has posted the following photograph from the set of Peacemaker.

“I’ve been wanting to post this photo since last May!! Peacemaker episode 8 is FINALLY OUT! COME ON WONDER WOMAN haha. Coolest gig by far!! Can't believe I was blessed to wear Gal Gadot real wardrobe and hair. What is my life?” wrote the actress in her Instagram post where she also published the photo you can see above these lines along with a picture of her dressing room door with the name Wonder Woman.

Recall that Gal Gadot is already working on the third Wonder Woman movie alongside director Patty Jenkins, so Kimberly Von Illberg's cameo has been solely for this DC series. Peacemaker will return soon with its season 2.

Source | Instagram | The Direct