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Elden Ring: How to download and install mods

Transform your character into Homer Simpson or Carl Johnson, add graphical effects or fix some of Elden Ring's technical problems thanks to mods.


Elden Ring has fewer secrets for some users. It has been one of the most awaited releases in recent years and there are already many players who have managed to complete the game. However, there is always room for the most enthusiastic to extend the fun even further, something possible thanks to PC mods. This should come as no surprise, as we've been seeing all sorts of crazy things applied to the Dark Souls saga for a decade now, so in this piece of our guide, we tell you what you need to know to download and install mods.

Where to download mods for Elden Ring?

Of course, the Nexus Mods portal is the ideal place if you want to find the best mods for Elden Ring. Find well-known characters from movies and other video games with preset builds, different graphic adjustments and technical fixes, and even modifications as fun as turning the main character into Homer Simpson himself. There are many of them, and every day more and more appear, since the community of the title is as involved as it has been for so many years with other From Software titles.

How to install mods in Elden Ring?

Each mod has its own instructions and requirements; you can know them in detail in the "requirements" tab that appears next to the credits on the page of each mod. However, all of them start from the same basic requirement: to have Elden Mod Loader installed on your computer, a small program that you can find at the following link.

As with any mod, you should keep in mind that unexpected technical problems can always arise and that, in the case of Elden Ring, it will be necessary to play in offline mode to enjoy many of them, thus avoiding possible interference with the game's anti-cheat system.

Source | Nexus Mods