Gaming Club


How to download and install mods in Minecraft in PC, Mac, iOS and Android

We tell you the step-by-step method to download and install mods on PC, Mac, iOS and Android versions of Minecraft as part of our guide.


Minecraft is one of the most accessible and well-known games in modern history. It is present on multiple platforms, including PC and Mac, mobile devices and a wide variety of consoles. Except in the case of the latter group, in the other versions of Minecraft we can download and install various mods to multiply even more the possibilities of the title. Because the process can be somewhat complex, below and as part of this Minecraft guide we detail everything you need to know to install mods on PC, Mac, iOS and Android.


How to download and install mods in Minecraft on PC (not available on Windows 10) and Mac

  1. Download and install the program Minecraft Forge.
  2. We look for any mod that catches our attention and download it.
  3. We start Minecraft.
  4. Go to "Game directory" (or menu with three horizontal lines) in the upper right side of the window.
  5. We open the "Mods" folder there. Or we create a new folder with that name.
  6. We make a Copy + Paste to the file of the mod that we have downloaded to put it inside the indicated folder.
  7. Close the Minecraft launcher to restart it.
  8. We open it again and access to "Profile" to find there "Minecraft Forge" and have the mods installed and ready to be executed in the game.

How to download and install mods in Minecraft on iOS (iPhone and iPad)

  1. Download the MCPE Addons app from the App Store.
  2. We open the app, search and download the mod we prefer to test.
  3. From the app menu we can start the game to have the mods installed.
  4. When creating a new game (and a new world) we can see all the mods downloaded by accessing "Resource pack / behaviors" in the lower left area of the screen.
  5. There, we can select the one we want to have active at any time by clicking on "Play".

How to download and install mods in Minecraft on Android

  1. Access the Play Store and download the BlockLauncher app.
  2. Download the mods you prefer in MCPEDL.
  3. Open the BlockLauncher app.
  4. Select the Options icon at the top of the app.
  5. We give to the option of "Manage Modpe scripts".
  6. Press the + button and go to "Local Storage" and "Download" to access the installed files.
  7. When creating a new world we should already have the mods installed without problems.