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EA offers many DLC for free for sagas such as Mass Effect or Dragon Age

Expansions and downloadable content from some of Bioware’s classic games have become free on Origin due to the withdrawal of their virtual currency.


Electronic Arts intends to implement important changes to Origin, its video game platform for PC. Within these changes, the virtual currency BioWare Points has its days numbered and therefore can no longer be purchased or used through the service. This business move will bring some changes to the economy of the platform and some of the studio’s games; the first is that numerous content from Mass Effect and Dragon Age have become free through the platform. A series of DLC for games such as Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age II, Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3, which until now could only be acquired through this virtual currency, will now be offered completely free of charge.

Goodbye BioWare Points; hello free DLCs

With this, the main DLC of these four video games will become free through Origin with the exception of the multiplayer packs of Mass Effect 3, which can be purchased with BioWare Points until the currency is completely withdrawn on October 11, 2022. After that date, the multiplayer packs of the celebrated space action RPG can only be redeemed with credits earned in the game itself.

On the other hand, and as pointed out by BioWare, the Crystal and Platinum currencies of other titles of the studio will not be affected by this new measure, which would only be adjusted to the aforementioned BioWare Points. This is a unique opportunity to considerably expand our BioWare games on Origin with more than a few expansions.

Earlier this past June, BioWare unveiled the final title of the fourth installment of Dragon Age, which will be called Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, a title that still has no release date. On the other hand, we already have the first trailer of the new Dragon Age animated series, known as Dragon Age: Absolution.

Source | Game Rant