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What is reroll in Genshin Impact and how to do it?

We explain what the reroll is and how to perform this trick in Genshin Impact to make sure you obtain a Top Tier character from the beginning.

As it belongs to the "gacha" genre, Genshin Impact has a series of mechanics, systems and characteristics typical of mobile titles, such as certain randomness when opening envelopes, with which you get different characters, weapons, and helpful items to use within the game. As for the protagonist himself/herself, we can carry out a reroll technique in order to get a higher Tier version. We tell you all about it as part of this guide, as it can be confusing if you do not know the term or how to get it. In addition, we remind you that it is already available for free on PC, PS4 and iOS and Android mobile devices.

What is reroll and how to do it in Genshin Impact?

When we start our game we will get to control our first main character, whose statistics may vary depending on the luck we have. If we want to get a five-star first level character, we will have to perform the "reroll technique", based mainly on restarting the game until we get what we are looking for.

Mind that, since Genshin Impact is a free-to-play game and relies on gacha-style random character selection, it should come as no surprise that getting the best starting character with top-tier stats is a challenge. Let's not forget that the game is designed to pressure players to spend some cash and cough up some money.

That said, the quickest and most efficient way to restart the game in Genshin Impact to reset our character and get better stats has been discovered. To log back into Genshin Impact we will have to register for a new account and username and then play the first twenty minutes of the game. For now, we don't know of a faster method, so whoever wants to reroll will need to have patience and time available.

It is worth mentioning that restarting the game on PlayStation 4 is more difficult than on PC, as our account is linked to the PSN account. If we really want to perform this "roll" again, we will have to be willing to create a second PSN account.