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Humankind seeks diplomacy with its first expansion: Together We Rule

Amplitude Studios reveals the first major expansion for its 4X title, showing that diplomacy can have the same power as an entire army (or more).


"Peace is always an option", or at least that was one of the messages that Amplitude Studios gave us during the presentation of the first major expansion that their 4X strategy title, Humankind, will have. Through a closed-door session, we were able to get to know the first preview of Together We Rule.

Humankind's first year

Before presenting the first details of this expansion, we were given a quick summary of the game's updates since its launch in August of last year and how they have made it a living game. An important source of these changes is the constant listening to the community's feedback and improving what has not been the most fun in the game.

Details such as the names of the players of each civilization we encounter or face in the games, to adjustments in the UI, quality of life, and balancing, are some of the adjustments the game has had in terms of updates. Along with this, new cultures have been added, such as the Mississippians, as well as two culture packs, one inspired by Africa and the other by Latin America, two groups that they consider "were underrepresented" during the launch of the game and added a total of 13 new cultures to the title.

Diplomacy and intelligence

If real-time strategy games have taught us anything, it's that armies are what win wars. In 4X titles, the matter changes a bit due to the freedom of how and where we take our civilization based on multiple victory conditions. This time, Together We Rule has an emphasis on diplomacy and espionage, showing that a handshake can be stronger than a nuclear bomb, and along with this, bringing new ways to play - and win in - Humankind.

To begin with, Together We Rule will introduce new diplomatic functions, a new currency called "Leverage" and six new cultures with an affinity for diplomacy. However, the most important element coming with this expansion is the Congress of Humanity, which serves as the forum in which nations will gather and will allow players to vote and decide on global doctrines and even arbitrate international conflicts. While everyone can have a say, not all voices have the same impact, and this is where the "Leverage" currency comes into play. However, don't expect this to be there from the start, as certain requirements will have to be met to get the first footing in this international forum.

One of the new barracks to be built are embassies, which will take negotiation tactics to another level. As you can expect, embassies will serve to improve relations with neighboring empires and generate mutually beneficial agreements. Also, you can use "Leverage" to influence other empires to take actions that benefit you.

How is Leverage obtained? This will be through a new family of units, which are the agents. As you can expect, with these units you can infiltrate other nations, as well as sabotage or disinform. Within this family, you can have your Diplomats, the Spies, and the Masterspy, each with a specialty.

New Wonders

The vision of the world grows and with it comes 6 new wonders that will appear on our map, ranging from the Valley of the Monuments in Utah, the Eldgjá volcano in Iceland, or the very Palace of Versailles in France.

What if I don't have Together We Rule?

Although there will be changes in how Humankind will be played, Amplitude Studios will also release a free update that in itself will add adjustments to the game, such as new infiltration mechanics, interface options, an improvement with independent civilizations, among other general improvements. Some of these options will benefit those who get the expansion.

For now, Humankind: Together We Rule does not have a concrete date, but is scheduled for release in fall 2022.