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Andor: the best Star Wars easter eggs from its triple episode premiere on Disney+

The new Star Wars series arrives at Disney+ with a good batch of references to the main saga; we tell you the most relevant and curious ones.


Andor, the new Star Wars series starring Diego Luna, is now available on Disney+ and with it a good amount of easter eggs and direct references to the main saga. Therefore, below we are going to compile the most relevant and curious winks from yesterday's triple premiere episode that connect with other Star Wars movies, series, and video games. And we are sure that the remaining 9 episodes of this first season will give us more references to such a rich universe full of adventures and science fiction.

Star Wars easter eggs in Andor

We start with the first episode, where reference is made to Wobani, a planet that appeared in the movie Rogue One and where Cassian meets Jyn Erso in the film. Another planet referenced is Fest and which in Star Wars Legends houses an Imperial base; on the other hand, it is one of the levels of the Star Wars: Dark Forces video game.

A curious detail: actors Dave Chapman (B2EMO) and James McArdle (Timm Karlo) have already appeared in previous productions of the saga. Chapman is one of those in charge of bringing BB-8 to life in the sequel trilogy, as well as giving life to Lady Proxima and Rio Durant in Solo: A Star Wars Story. On the other hand, McArdle played Resistance pilot Niv Lek in The Force Awakens.

We can also see several ships and transport vehicles that have already appeared in the franchise such as a Y-Wing, an interstellar transport called WTK-85A that already appeared in The Force Awakens and The Rise of Skywalker, as well as a ship called Lancer that in the Andor trailers fights against TIE fighters. Also, several known alien races appear such as Aki-Aki, Abednedo, Imroosian, Frigosian, and Urodel.

Andor's Bryar gun also has a lot of history. Its first appearance dates back to the video game Star Wars: Dark Force as Kyle Katarn's blaster, although later it could also be seen in another title such as Star Wars: Battlefront. Finally, and as a curiosity, in the second episode Bix Caleen (Adria Arjona) asks for some 'caf' to revitalize his body after a bad night; yes, it is the galactic equivalent of coffee.

Source | Den of Geek