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The Last of Us series on HBO wins us all over with its first official trailer

The Last of Us Day had to be celebrated in style. Don't miss the spectacular first trailer for the HBO series based on Naughty Dog's game.


On September 26, we once again experienced The Last of Us Day. It is the day gamers pay tribute to Naughty Dog's game, one of the most acclaimed works of the last decade. And to celebrate it as it deserves, the most awaited moment by millions of fans: we can now enjoy the first official trailer of the HBO series. You can enjoy it below:

The trailer is marked by a number of recognizable elements of the video game such as Joel's escape with Anna in his arms during the prologue, the moments between Ellie and Riley in the mall, and the encounter with the fearsome Clickers, among others. A teaser that will automatically become a delight for fans of Neil Druckmann's work. The series premiere date remains to be determined, although we know it will take place sometime in 2023.

A trip we will never forget

The official synopsis of the series is recognizable to any user who has enjoyed the title, as the story takes place "The story takes place twenty years after modern civilization has been destroyed. Joel, a hardened survivor, is hired to smuggle Ellie, a 14-year-old girl, out of an oppressive quarantine zone. What starts as a small job soon becomes a brutal, heartbreaking journey, as they both must traverse across the U.S. and depend on each other for survival."

Recently, the actor who will play Henry (Lamar Johnson) reflected on how complicated it can be to adapt a video game to the big screen. However, one thing is clear to him: the team has been very respectful of the original title and fans will be delighted with the series.

The Last of Us was originally released on PS3 back in 2013, later arriving on PS4 in the form of a remaster. Recently, just three weeks ago, the remake arrived on PS5, the best version of the title to date thanks to a complete reconstruction on a graphical level, along with new accessibility additions and various features that take full advantage of the DualSense features.

Source | The Last of Us on HBO