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Ryan Reynolds announces Deadpool 3 release date, along with Hugh Jackman's return as Wolverine

The Merc with a mouth's Marvel Cinematic Universe debut has a date and will be joined by a friend and fan favorite, Wolverine.


Deadpool's arrival in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has a date within Phase 5, and will feature the return of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine.

Through a video on his personal Twitter account, actor Ryan Reynolds showed a video where he talks about the process he has taken for the third Deadpool movie and how the arrival of the character to the MCU "obviously needs to feel special", this accompanied by a montage of an intense creative process.

Ryan continues the video by mentioning that he came up with nothing, other than a great idea, and that is Wolverine's participation in the movie. Just then Hugh Jackman passes behind the camera to which Reynolds asks, "Hey Hugh, you want to play Wolverine one more time?" to which the Australian actor replies, "Yeah, sure, Ryan." The video ends with the Deadpool logo slashed by Wolverine's signature adamantium claws, revealing the release date: September 6, 2024.

Deadpool and Wolverine, together at last

Hugh Jackman's last official appearance as Wolverine was in the 2017 film Logan directed by James Mangold. Although both actors have wanted a crossover between their characters, the closest that happened was in a brief scene in the credits of Deadpool 2. It looks like Jackman will be back in the claws for one last film.

Along with this video, it's worth noting that John Krasinski himself, Mr. Fantastic in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, shared on Twitter asking, "Wait... is this our movie?". Though of course, he may be making a reference to the film "If" also coming out that year, which also features Ryan Reynolds.

At the time of writing, there is no official word from Disney. For now, the September 6, 2024 release date is slotted between two other movies already announced during D23 2023: Thunderbolts, which has a July 26 release date, and Fantastic Four, which will be released on November 8. In the meantime, you can check out our special of all the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies and series in chronological order and by release date.