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Silent Hill

Silent Hill 2 Remake faces off with the original: comparing the graphics

The new version of the classic is being developed by Bloober Team, the studio behind The Medium and Layers of Fear.


Silent Hill wasn’t dead, it was only dormant, awaiting it’s return. The cursed town is coming back to video games through a couple of different projects, including a full remake of Silent Hill 2. The rumors about Bloober Team being in charge of its development were confirmed during Konami’s stream last week. Now, YouTuber El Analista de Bits shared a comparison that showcases the changes from the original product on PS2 to the new version on PS5.

The first notable thing of course is James Sunderland’s face, which has been completely redesigned. The protagonist lost his wife to an unspecified illness, but received a strange letter that guides him towards the town of Silent Hill. As you can see in the video, the graphical quality has made an enormous leap on the remake, considering it’s been two decades and several gaming console generations since the original.

After the death of his wife, James has been riddled with guilt and now finds himself on the edge of desperation. His visit to Silent Hill will make him shift his perspective until he begins to doubt of his own sanity. What happened to his wife? Is she really dead? Why did he come back to this once beautiful place? The weight of his conscience is crushing and his emotional journey has only just begun. You can see the comparison video just after these lines.

A timed exclusive on PS5

Silent Hill 2 Remake will be a timed console exclusive on PS5. However, the game will also be made available at launch on PC via Steam. Why has Sony’s machine been chosen? Aside from having struck a deal with Konami, the studio behind the remake has stated that it’s “not only about the graphics”, with the games atmosphere being built through “the music and sound design”. This is why they’ll make use of the 3D audio features of the system, which should give the player the opportunity to recognize where every noise around them is coming.

Besides the remake, Konami has allied itself with other studios to create more titles for the franchise. The creators of Resident Evil Re: Verse are working on Silent Hill f, which takes place in Japan during the 60s. There’s also Silent Hill Townfall, by No Code (Observation). Another project is Silent Hill: Ascension, some kind of social interactive game in which decisions will influence the path the story takes.

Source | El Analista De Bits