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Xbox boss says Game Pass is profitable, and he wants Call of Duty on Nintendo Switch

Phil Spencer recognizes that the service’s growth has stalled, but also reveals they plan on treating Call of Duty like Minecraft.


While the international regulators discuss whether or not to approve Activision Blizzard’s aquiral by Microsoft, the Redmond based executives try to ease Sony’s worries about Call of Duty. Their competition is worried that the North American giant will stop selling the series in their consoles, but Xbox insists their intention is to keep the game multiplatform. Also, the head of the division Phil Spencer has confirmed that Xbox Game Pass is a profitable product.

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Spencer informed that the service concentrates around 15% of the revenue for Microsoft’s video game division. “I think it will stay in that 10-15% of our overall revenue, and it’s profitable for us”, said the executive. While talking about Call of Duty, the director assured that his intention is to do something similar to the strategy they already have with Minecraft.

“Call of Duty specifically will be available on PlayStation. I'd love to see it on the Switch, I'd love to see the game playable on many different screens. Our intent is to treat CoD like Minecraft"

Xbox Game Pass on console has slowed down its growth

Not everything is great news for Xbox , however. Spencer admitted that Game Pass’ growth on consoles has slowed its rhythm.”We're seeing incredible growth on PC... on console I've seen growth slow down, mainly because at some point you've reached everybody on console that wants to subscribe.”

In response to the regulating organism in the UK, Microsoft stated that if the Activision Blizzard acquisition finalizes, they still won't have the liberty to launch Call of Duty on Xbox Game Pass. This is because of the contract signed by Activision Blizzard and Sony.

Source | WSJ (via Tom Warren)