Gaming Club

Universal Pictures

Michael J. Fox has a plan to bring back the Back to the Future trilogy

Marty McFly’s actor from the Robert Zemeckis saga has a few ideas for a possible Back to the Future reboot.


While Back to the Future hasn’t been discussed much when speaking about reboots and remakes in the industry during the past few years, it’s not really a crazy idea to think that the series could come back. And in fact, one of the protagonists of the original trilogy, Michael J. Fox, has been giving it some thought: he even thinks a remake should give the role of Marty McFly to a woman, and change the plot to accommodate it. This is what he said to Entertainment Weekly during an interview.

“If they did the movie again, they should do it with a girl as Marty”

While reminiscing about his reunion with Christoper Lloyd - who played the part of the eccentric Doctor Emmet Brown - Michael J. Fox pondered about a possible return to Back to the Future. “I actually had this thought that if they did the movie again, they should do it with a girl as Marty. There’s something about it that connects with people on every level. I just feel like it will come around again."

Even if a change of sex or race for movie characters might come with its share of shock or “controversy”, Michael J. Fox believes the saga goes further than what the characters and actors do, since it has become a part of pop culture. “People don’t just like it and remember it, they celebrate it and embrace it and get my face tattooed on their leg, and I mean, it’s crazy but in a good way,” he admitted.

“I love it and I only recently have been able to embrace it in a way," he continued. "Not that I rejected it before, or wasn’t proud of it, but I didn’t fully get how much people related to it, how much it meant to them."

Source | Entertainment Weekly