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Activision Blizzard

The best way to unlock skins in Overwatch 2 is… by playing World of Warcraft

A user tried to find out how much time it would take him to unlock skins in Overwatch 2 and discovered that the quickest method is done through World of Warcraft.


The early days of any online game are always a complicated matter, and Blizzard can’t seem to escape that. The Overwatch 2 community is currently losing its mind because of the skins in the game and the disproportionate amount of time you have to invest into playing the game to unlock them. According to a Reddit user called Everdale, the whole situation is so bad it’s actually more efficient to log into World of Warcraft and exchange tokens from it into credit, which can be used in Overwatch. It’s quite difficult to believe that this actually works, but they’ve done the math.

Currently, the only way to obtain Overwatch Coins in Overwatch 2 without buying them with real money is by completing the weekly challenges. If you manage to complete all of them, you’d be rewarded with a limit of 60 coins per week, equal in value to about $0.60 USD in real life currency. Taking into account the fact that most skins in the game cost 1000 OW coins/ $10 USD each, you’re looking at nearly 17 weeks of work to be able to purchase anything by “just playing the game.”

This of course ignores the fact that legendary skins cost 1900 coins… or about 32 weeks, which by then is almost one year of doing in-game tasks to get one cosmetic reward. It seems fair to say that Blizzard’s new “lootbox-less” system is competing to be one of the worst of all time.

Overwatch 2’s unfair skin system

Following that depressing economics class, a World of Warcraft Token can be exchanged for 30 days of game subscription time inside of the MMO, or it can also be traded for $15 USD of credit deposited directly into your account. This credit can then be used in any other title that exists in the platform, including Overwatch 2.

Currently, if you wanted to get one of those tokens you would need to buy one in the in-game auction house for about 230,000 gold (although, being an actual player controlled marketplace, the price may vary). So how long does it take you to do that? That’s a bit of a question.

From farming, to boosting, to quite a bit of different techniques, some players have calculated that a seasoned veteran of the MMO with high level characters can obtain about 15,000 gold per day, translating to about one OW2 skin every two weeks (15 weeks less than doing it in OW2). For someone starting from the latest expansion, Shadowlands, that process could take up to ten weeks. It’s still a ridiculously long and unfair time, but then again, still faster that inside Overwatch.

With this cat out of the bag, we’ll have to wait and see if Blizzard takes the blame and tries to fix the situation.