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How to catch Pokémon #132 Ditto in Pokémon GO

In this Pokémon GO guide we tell you how to catch Ditto, Pokémon number 132. Where and how to catch Ditto?


Ditto is Pokémon number 132 in the PokéDex of Pokémon GO. It is a very difficult Pokémon to capture since we basically depend on luck. In this Pokémon GO guide, we tell you how to improve our chances and how to capture Ditto. Here we go:

How to capture Ditto in Pokémon GO? Where does it appear?

Catching Ditto in Pokémon GO depends entirely, as mentioned above, on luck. This Pokémon has always been quite special since it was added to the game; Ditto does not appear as such in the game world, but rather, when it comes to catching any other Pokémon, there is a very remote chance that it will reveal that it was, in fact, a camouflaged Ditto.

In other words: if we are lucky enough, we can get a Ditto by catching random wild Pokémon. This is a real nuisance because, apart from wanting to catch Ditto just for the sake of having it or to refill PokéDex, there are some Special Researches like A Mythical Discovery (which allows players to catch Mew) that have some task that consists of catching a Ditto. In short, under normal circumstances, catching a Ditto is extremely complicated. We have a Pokémon GO account created in 2016, and, to give you an idea, we've only caught five since then.

Ditto tends to have a tendency to disguise itself as the most common Pokémon during each season or event of the game, precisely to attract as little attention as possible so that players "overlook" it. If you see a good amount of Rattatas, Pidgeys or Ekans huddled together and you have a few Poké Balls left over, you lose nothing by catching them all to try your luck and see if any of them is a Ditto.

Another thing to note that it is possible that, depending on the celebration of certain events or that some specific Investigations are added, it could be easier to easily catch Ditto. For example, on February 20, 2021, the Pokémon GO: Kanto Tour event was held; it was a paid event that allowed us to catch Ditto Shiny. Or just this April 2022, we had the April Fool's 2-Oh? event, focused entirely on this Pokémon. We will try to keep you updated on any news or event that may occur and that will allow us to easily catch Ditto.