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Patty Jenkins on the cancellation of Wonder Woman 3: "I never walked away"

Wonder Woman and Wonder Woman 1984’s director assures that there was nothing she could do to continue with the project and that Rogue Squadron continues.


The DC Cinematic Universe reorganization has resulted in the cancellation of Wonder Woman 3, a news that was made public through a The Hollywood Reporter report. James Gunn, one of the people chosen by Warner Bros. Discovery to lead this new stage, confirmed that some of the information was true, although he clarified that the story was not entirely truthful. In any case, director Patty Jenkins has made a public statement about her departure from the third Wonder Woman installment:

"When there started being backlash about WW3 not happening, the attractive clickbait false story that it was me that killed it or walked away started to spread. This is simply not true. I never walked away." As she explains in the statement, she was open to study any proposal offered to her. However, "It was my understanding there was nothing I could do to move anything forward at this time. DC is obviously buried in changes they are having to make, so I understand these decision are difficult right now.”

On a positive note

Jenkins did not want to end her letter with bitter words. "I do not want what has been a beautiful journey with WW to land on a negative note. I have loved and been so honored to be the person who got to make these last two Wonder Woman films. She is an incredible character. Living in and around her values makes one a better person every day. I wish her and her legacy an amazing future ahead, with or without me."

The director also has poured praise on the films' main star, the actress behind Wonder Woman. "Gal [Gadot] is the greatest gift I have received in this whole journey. A cherished friend, inspiration and sister. There are no words I can use to convey how magican she is.."

In the same statement, Jenkins reveals that Star Wars: Rogue Squadron is still in development.

Source | Patty Jenkins (Twitter)